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Microcontroller Programming » initialload

May 08, 2009
by tuxguy
tuxguy's Avatar

Just out of the box today. I have built and successfully programmed the initialload. (Woo Hoo!) I have been playing with LCD line writes (and amusing my kids with it).

Can you explain the concept of scrolling an LCD line? Your out of the box example load scrolled the a line. The initialload source keeps things simple (for good reason).

I just wanted to see the principle of it. (or is it even possible with the library provided (i.e. I have to write it)).



May 09, 2009
TBNK's Avatar

I think the concept is explained well in the first of two articles about programming LCDs that have the HD44780 controller chip. Get the two PDF articles "How to Use Intelligent L.C.D.s" Part 1 (PDF 264K) and Part 2 (PDF 122K). "Experiment 4 - Shifting the Display" in Part 1 shows how it's done.

A quick peek in the NerdKits lcd library shows you'll have to write it.

But if you really are a "tuxguy" you know all you need to know now. ;-)

Truly, isn't this stuff fun?

May 09, 2009
by tuxguy
tuxguy's Avatar

Thanks! That is exactly what I was looking for.

And, yes, this stuff is fun to mess around with.

Thanks again,


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