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Microcontroller Programming » Can the existing program be read from the microcontroller chip

May 07, 2010
by Iflyatwin
Iflyatwin's Avatar

Hi, my terrible Windows Vista crashed so bad that I lost everything. And yes I didn't have my latest program backed up, So I would like to know if it's possible to read the existing program from the chip. I would be extremely Great-full if anyone can help me Israel

May 09, 2010
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar

Yes, it is, but it will be in object form (just bytes). Not high level, and not even in assembly language. Just object code.

May 09, 2010
by Iflyatwin
Iflyatwin's Avatar

Thanks BobaMosfet. I guess I'm going to write the program again because I'm new to this stuff and I don't even know where to begin with the object code. Thanks Again. Israel

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