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Project Help and Ideas » LCD blank when I connect analog sensor

May 13, 2010
by banerjen
banerjen's Avatar


I recently bought a Sharp GP2D120 distance measurement sensor and wanted to use the ADC in the MCU to convert the analog output to a more meaningful distance reading.

Before I go about describing my problem I should mention that I am using the ATMega32 and I am using a 16 * 2 char LCD to display the ADC value. I am using the 8-bit mode of the LCD.

The problem starts when I connect the VCC and GND pins of the sensor to the breadboard. When I connect, the LCD goes blank. I checked the current flowing through the sensor, it was about 28 mA. I am using a wall adapter with specs - 12 V 500 mA DC.

And the minute I remove the connections, the LCD starts to display again. What could be the problem?



May 13, 2010
by banerjen
banerjen's Avatar

Hi again,

Sorry. I got the problem. I changed the decoupling capacitor and it started working like a charm.



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