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Basic Electronics » TSSOP IC!

May 25, 2010
by Malicious
Malicious's Avatar

I recently purchased an Integrated Circuit which has a TSSOP14 case. How would I go about creating a manageable connect to the 14 pins on the chip? I read I have to use wave soldering, but what type of bread-board? Do you have to make one? Thank You

June 02, 2010
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar

This is normally for surface mount. You'll need an 'adapter' to bring it back to DIP or breadboard accessibility.


June 02, 2010
by Malicious
Malicious's Avatar

Yeah, I found that out, I ended up just buying another 14PDIP version of the same chip.

On another note, I'll have to e-mail you some images of the final product. I dropped it on the floor yesterday, so as soon as its fixed I'll get at you.

June 03, 2010
by mrobbins
(NerdKits Staff)

mrobbins's Avatar

Hi Malicious,

Glad to hear that they also make the PDIP version.

In the past, I have successfully used small adapter PCBs such as Surfboards for adapting SMT ICs for solderless breadboard use. I'm not sure if they go all the way down to TSSOP size. If you go this route, check all the dimensions very carefully before buying so you know that it will match your chip! Note that when I did it in the past, my soldering yield was terrible -- buy extras of both the adapter board and the IC.


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