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Microcontroller Programming » Coverting Arduino code to the Nerdkit

June 02, 2010
by relemail
relemail's Avatar

I am trying to convert code from an arduino project to the nerdkit. I read the forums and found somewhere that you can upload the hex file compiled by the arduino software, I tried that and it didn't work. I took a shot at rewriting the code for the nerdkit, but apparently I don't know enough yet to get that working either. Rather than posting my attempt at rewriting it, which didn't work. Here is the original code. Any help would be appreciated.

//include the datetime library, so our garduino can keep track of how long the lights are on

include <DateTime.h>

//define analog inputs to which we have connected our sensors int moistureSensor = 0; int lightSensor = 1; int tempSensor = 2;

//define digital outputs to which we have connecte our relays (water and light) and LED (temperature) int waterPump = 7; int lightSwitch = 8; int tempLed = 2;

//define variables to store moisture, light, and temperature values int moisture_val; int light_val; int temp_val;

//decide how many hours of light your plants should get daily float hours_light_daily_desired = 14;

//calculate desired hours of light total and supplemental daily based on above values float proportion_to_light = hours_light_daily_desired / 24; float seconds_light = 0; float proportion_lit;

//setup a variable to store seconds since arduino switched on float start_time; float seconds_elapsed; float seconds_elapsed_total; float seconds_for_this_cycle;

void setup() { //open serial port Serial.begin(9600); //set the water, light, and temperature pins as outputs that are turned off pinMode (waterPump, OUTPUT); pinMode (lightSwitch, OUTPUT); pinMode (tempLed, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (waterPump, LOW); digitalWrite (lightSwitch, LOW); digitalWrite (tempLed, LOW);

//establish start time start_time =; seconds_elapsed_total = 0;

} void loop() { // read the value from the moisture-sensing probes, print it to screen, and wait a second moisture_val = analogRead(moistureSensor); Serial.print("moisture sensor reads "); Serial.println( moisture_val ); delay(1000); // read the value from the photosensor, print it to screen, and wait a second light_val = analogRead(lightSensor); Serial.print("light sensor reads "); Serial.println( light_val ); delay(1000); // read the value from the temperature sensor, print it to screen, and wait a second temp_val = analogRead(tempSensor); Serial.print("temp sensor reads "); Serial.println( temp_val ); delay(1000); Serial.print("seconds total = "); Serial.println( seconds_elapsed_total ); delay(1000); Serial.print("seconds lit = "); Serial.println( seconds_light); delay(1000); Serial.print("proportion desired = "); Serial.println( proportion_to_light); delay(1000); Serial.print("proportion achieved = "); Serial.println( proportion_lit); delay(1000);

//turn water on when soil is dry, and delay until soil is wet if (moisture_val < 850) { digitalWrite(waterPump, HIGH); }

while (moisture_val < 850) { delay(10000); //thanks to JoshTW for the following, important correction moisture_val = analogRead(moistureSensor); }

digitalWrite(waterPump, LOW);

//update time, and increment seconds_light if the lights are on seconds_for_this_cycle = - seconds_elapsed_total; seconds_elapsed_total = - start_time; if (light_val > 900) { seconds_light = seconds_light + seconds_for_this_cycle; }

//cloudy days that get sunny again: turn lights back off if light_val exceeds 900. this works b/c the supplemental lights aren't as bright as the sun:) if (light_val > 900) { digitalWrite (lightSwitch, LOW); }

//turn off lights if proportion_lit>proportion_to_light, and then wait 5 minutes if (proportion_lit > proportion_to_light) { digitalWrite (lightSwitch, LOW); delay (300000); }

//figure out what proportion of time lights have been on proportion_lit = seconds_light/seconds_elapsed_total;

//turn lights on if light_val is less than 900 and plants have light for less than desired proportion of time, then wait 10 seconds if (light_val < 900 and proportion_lit < proportion_to_light) { digitalWrite(lightSwitch, HIGH); delay(10000); }

//turn on temp alarm light if temp_val is less than 850 (approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit) if (temp_val < 850) { digitalWrite(tempLed, HIGH); }


The DateTime library can be downloaded here DateTime

June 03, 2010
by relemail
relemail's Avatar

I managed to upload a cpp.hex file to the nerdkit that was created when I compiled the code with the Arduino software.

When no board is connected during the upload the Arduino software dumps the a hex file to the project_name/apps folder

I uploaded the hex file using AVRdude with avrdude -c avr109 -p m168 -b 115200 -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -U flash:w:garduino__.cpp.hex:a with no problems.

I connected a temp and light sensor and want to monitor the serial output on my computer. When I try to look at the serial output with minicom or the Arduino serial port monitor I get a stream of garbled text.

Should I just ignore this and assume it is working properly? I'm sure there is a better way of doing this, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


July 01, 2011
by raildoc
raildoc's Avatar

I modified my Makefile to upload an Ardino_cpp.hex.a file to a 168 Nerdkit. Followed all directions in Forum for Ardinuo to AVR. Now I get error message from last line of make file from avrdude: target pattern contains no '%' . Help! Thanks.

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