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Microcontroller Programming » Programming Language Reference

June 03, 2010
by kgb
kgb's Avatar

Is there a programming language reference for the MCU? I tried to look online but I couldn't find one.



June 03, 2010
by rajabalu21
rajabalu21's Avatar

This link could be of help.

June 04, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi kgb,

rajabalu21, thanks for the link. The document rajabalu linked you to is the descripiton of the assembly instruction set for the MCU. This document is very helpful if you are writing your code in assembly, or if you were looking to understand the assembly your machine code was outputting. You are probably looking for something like the avr-libc documentation. This is a reference for all the functions included in avr-libc, which tend to cover most things you can think of wanting to do.


June 06, 2010
by kgb
kgb's Avatar

thanks guys... that helped a lot.


June 12, 2010
by Jer
Jer's Avatar

I would like to crate an array of string and then display one of the string onto the LCD. How do do this. Here is an example of what I mean:

main() { char Wave[3][4];

Wave[0] = "SIN";
Wave[1] = "TRI";
Wave[2] = "SQR"'


lcd_write_data(Wave[i]); // Displays the selected wave type on line 2.


And yes! Im a newbee when it comes to 'C'.

June 12, 2010
by Jer
Jer's Avatar

It would be very cool if somebody (@ nerdkits) could write some very simple examples of creating 1 and 2 dim arrays, strings and numeric type that are placed into flash, ram and any other location thats available to us nerd kit users.

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