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Support Forum » Switching over to use the ATmega328 HELP!?

June 05, 2010
by Jer
Jer's Avatar

Switching over to use the ATmega328 HELP! I have writeing a program but have run out of space in the 168p so Im moving to the 328 but I have not been able to find the file spicified in the "ATmega328P Upgrade Nano-Guide" rev 565-4038nqwyhncpd92h8hnz on page 7, Step 3:

"Now, you'll need to download one extra file and place it inside your libnerdkits folder. Download this file here: and put it in your “libnerdkits” directory. "

I have not found this file on your web site yet to down load it.

Please Help.

Jer F.

June 05, 2010
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

Cut and paste the entire line '' (without the ' at the ends) into your browser. From there, you will be prompted to download the file. Once downloaded, move it to the appropriate location.

June 07, 2010
by Jer
Jer's Avatar


June 08, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Using Safari I get the code displayed without any download prompt but I just do a Select All --> Copy and Paste to a Text editor and save. Using Chrome I get the download prompt.


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