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Microcontroller Programming » command line windows... NEED HELP!

July 03, 2010
by Quinnifir
Quinnifir's Avatar

ok i go into the folder using command prompt (windows) that has the makefile in it, and when i type make it says i cant do it!

July 03, 2010
by Quinnifir
Quinnifir's Avatar

let me rephrase that does the make command work with windows vista?

July 03, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Quinnfir,

The make command should work in Vista if you have installed WinAVR. Did you notice any errors while you were installing WinAVR? If you post the full error you are getting on the command line, or a screenshot if it, we can probably narrow down what is going wrong a bit better.


July 03, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

One thing I've noticed in Vista and 7, I always have the best results if I run the installation as administrator... Not just an account with administrative permissions... but the actual administrator (I've also had the right click run as administrator work). If you don't, often pieces don't get installed correctly. Also, after installation, you must re-boot so that the path environment variable gets setup correctly.

You may try un-installing and re-installing as administrator then re-boot to see if that fixes it...

Good Luck,


July 03, 2010
by Quinnifir
Quinnifir's Avatar

ok this is what my cmd looked like

c/users/jennifer>cd desktop

c/users/jennifer/desktop>cd quinns

c/users/jennifer/desktop/quinns>cd nerdkits

c/users/jennifer/desktop/quinns/nerdkits>cd code

c/users/jennifer/desktop/quinns/nerdkits/code>cd initialload


'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, program or batch file.

i dont know whats wrong! please help.

July 03, 2010
by Quinnifir
Quinnifir's Avatar


July 09, 2010
by Cman42
Cman42's Avatar

Im having a problem to... Ive been trying to do what Quinnifir has been doing and i get the same error. im running XP

July 09, 2010
by Quinnifir
Quinnifir's Avatar

Conrad you need to install winAVR as an adminstrator ON ThE HARD DRIVE!

July 09, 2010
by Quinnifir
Quinnifir's Avatar

And Conrad your awesome

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