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Support Forum » Mobile LED Array

July 11, 2010
by s8n
s8n's Avatar

Is there any way to make the LED array project wearable/mobile (in other words, not plugged into the wall?)

July 11, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Definately possible. I wouldn't recommend using the backlight as that will draw a lot of battery power. You might want to use a battery with more current output than the 9v as well. What you are doing and the type of battery, used will determine battery life.

July 11, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Doh... I'm sorry, I mis-read your post and had in my mind the LCD display. However, you can also make the LED array wearable with proper power. On of the members here (Phrank916) did so (See this post.)

Sorry for the senior moment :D

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