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August 01, 2010
by jonathan_m
jonathan_m's Avatar

I recently bought the USB nerd kit. I understand the electronics part. I am no good at programming though. I am trying to do the i phone car. The projects section stated that there was a CD with the program templets where is the CD !confused!

August 02, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi jonathan_m,

That is a remnant of the time when the pdf guide and source code came on a CD with the kit, instead of being downloaded from our website. All the source code for the iPhone car project itself can be found on the website of the tutorial.

Keep in mind that programming is a skill that is best learned by doing. The iPhone car project is a pretty big project, and one that you might want to hold off on until you are a bit more comfortable with coding.


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