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Support Forum » LCD Problem

August 08, 2010
by ACWarrior
ACWarrior's Avatar

I have had my kit up and running to the temp sensor project. Everything worked fine. It took a fall from my bench. Now I have a blank LCD display. Anyway to trouble shoot it to be sure or should I just order a new one?

August 08, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Just to be sure, I'd start from scratch with the guide and re-do the assembly starting with just the micro-controller on the board. If the display doesn't look cracked, and the board shows no sign of damage, it most likley survived the fall.


August 09, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi ACWarrior,

I agree with Rick. If there isn't anything that physically appears out of place with the LCD, then it most likely survived. The problem you are seeing is most likely a loose wire. It is conceivable that the jolt might have caused the program on your MCU to become corrupted. After checking all the wires, I would try uploading the initialload program again, make sure the MCU is still up and running with a fresh program.


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