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Support Forum » Cable Driver installation

August 11, 2010
by mwagner63
mwagner63's Avatar

the guide does not give me any clue on how to do this

August 11, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi mwagner63,

Can you let us know more specifically what you are having trouble with? For windows machines there is an installer found in the downloads section of our site. It is inside a zip file. You should be able to extract the installer for your system, double click it, and follow the menus to install the driver. Are you on a different non-windows system? If you are getting an error let us know what it is and we will do our best to help you get to the bottom of it.


August 11, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar


Getting a lot of new members?? Seems like there has been an influx of people with pretty vague questions as of late..

Makes them hard to answer... :D


August 11, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Rick,

Our community is growing at an awesome pace, and it does take a little time for people to figure out the right questions to ask. That, however is what makes our community awesome, we are helpful to everybody who is willing to learn!


August 11, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I agree, it's great to see the growth. I just seemed to notice it more in recent days. Is this a result of word of mouth or more of advertising?? Either way its nice to see. Keep up the good work.

August 11, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

I really think that a WiKi would be a help.

Using a WiKi like wikimedia, all or any of the Nerdkit users could post a FAQ or a Glossary or whatever and be able to police them.

I setup a wikimedia site in less than a day so it would not take much of your time to get rolling.

Hopefully you and Mike are to busy to really be able to maintain a FAQ etc. The WiKi format would allow the community to support itself at least in part.

There certainly have been a few laughs recently.


August 17, 2010
by mwagner63
mwagner63's Avatar

I have the driver installer on my desktop but when I click on it a window pops up then exits really fast. Then when I go to devices and printers it says usb serial controller under unspecified not devices.

August 17, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Hi mwagner, first thing I would do would be to download the installer again. The installer has worked for thousands of us.

I do not have a windows computer at the moment so I might not be to much help but some one will be along.


August 17, 2010
by mwagner63
mwagner63's Avatar

Ralph I tried that but it keeps on doing the same thing

August 17, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi mwagner63,

A couple of questions to help us figure out what is wrong. What is the name of the file you are double clicking to install the driver. What operating system are you on? Is this Windows 7 or Windows Vista? Are you making sure you unzip the file before attempting to run it?

What makes you believe that the driver has not been installed. Remember that if your cable is wired incorrectly (red and black wires are touching somehow, or there is some other short in your circuit) it might cause your computer to shut down the USB port, could that be the problem?


April 12, 2011
by scooter43522
scooter43522's Avatar

I am new to programming as well, so of course, I am having issues installing the driver for the usb also. I am running windows 7 on a 64-bit system and after installing the driver (I used the plain PL-2303 Driver Installer) and clicking on devices (the usb to serial controller) it still says there is no driver installed. Is this normal? I tried un-installing it and reinstalling it, but still get the same message.

another question, if I may. My usb location says "Port_#002.Hub#002". Is this what I type in the text editor of Makefile once I delete the "/dev/ttyUSBO" part of the AVRDUDEFLAGS line? Just being sure...

April 12, 2011
by scooter43522
scooter43522's Avatar

actually, I got it running. Sorry for the panic. It didn't load off the installer at all, but Windows update found a driver for I guess alls well that ends well!

Thanks to anyone who was looking! :)

April 16, 2011
by caballeroroberto
caballeroroberto's Avatar


OS = Windows 7 Attempted installation of USB to Serial Driver = PL-2303 Driver Installed.exe

-I cannot get it to work with Windows 7

-I tried to install the driver

-I connected the USB cable

-Windows 7 says that the driver is not installed

-"USB-Serial Controller" comes up under Other Devices in the device manager

-I tried re-installing and the installer tells me that I have already installed the driver

I appreciate your help.

April 16, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi caballeroroberto,

Give this driver a try. It a newer version that might play nicer with Windows 7.


April 17, 2011
by caballeroroberto
caballeroroberto's Avatar

Thanks Humberto. I actually tried using the Vista Driver and it worked for Windows 7. I will keep yours as a back up in case down the road I have problems with the Vista driver.

July 01, 2011
by ddanbe
ddanbe's Avatar

hi, Humberto

I also had troubles installing the driver on my Windows 7 system. Did not try the Vista version, but downloaded your suggestion. Did not work either, but Win7 did a search for an upgrade on the net and it is installed correctly now.


July 06, 2011
by NanoNate
NanoNate's Avatar

Hi Humberto,

Thanks for the great kit. Had similar issue. Windows 7 would not recognize driver. Only pulled up Serial controller in device manager. This solved it for me.

  1. Uninstalled original driver.
  2. Restarted PC.
  3. Installed driver from your 4/16/11 post
  4. Restarted PC

System recognized device Changed port and followed rest of instructions without a problem.

And now I am off to discover more problems:)

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