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Support Forum » Step 10a cant open programmers notepad

August 17, 2010
by mwagner63
mwagner63's Avatar

I can't find programmers notepad. At first It said I needed a shortcut but now it is just gone.

August 17, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Mwagner63,

Programmers Notepad is installed as part of WinAVR. Whether you used a shortcut on your desktop for it or not it should still be in the WinAVR folder in the Start menu. In Windows Vista or Windows 7 you can just type Programmers Notepad into the Search box in the start menu to find the program and just click on the icon for it.

It is possible you managed to remove the shortcut to it, in which case you might be able to find it in Program Files in the C folder.

Is it possible that in your attempts to reinstall the driver for the USB cable you uninstalled WinAVR? This would also cause Programmers Notepad to go away.


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