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Microcontroller Programming » data transmission using digital i/o

August 23, 2010
by sharadgupta7
sharadgupta7's Avatar


My situation is as follows:

I have two atmega168 mcu setup seperately. The first mcu "A" is connected with LM400 bluetooth module and talking to it over pin 2 and pin 3 i.e. UART pins of this mcu. Now i want to send the data received on bluetooth from mcu "A" to mcu "B" using 433 Mhz Rx/Tx pair. Since my UART pins are consumed by bluetooth wires, i was wondering if i can send the data from mcu A through say PORT B pins configured as digital output using Rf transmitter module Tx.

The RF receiver module(Rx) connected to the mcu "B" will receive data on radio link and give to mcu B thru PORT B configured as digital input.

Please advise if it is possible or there is any other way of achieving it. Please help me urgently to find a solution.

Thanks, Sharad

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