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Microcontroller Programming » alternative programming language

August 25, 2010
by awesome
awesome's Avatar

Is there by any chance an assembler or a c++ compiler designed for the atmel processers?

August 25, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

AVR Studio LINK Is a full assembler and gui and is offered free from Atmel (You have to fill out a registration to download).

As for c++, if you downloaded and installed WINAVR, you got the avr-c++.exe compiler as part of the install. If you google c++ avr-gcc, you will find several links to help you get it setup. Many of which use AVR Studio above for the gui.


August 25, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

One other option - is BASIC. There is a AVR Basic compliler (I've used on occasion) called BASCOM-AVR. While it is commercial software, the author has a demo version that is only restricted in the output code size (limited to 4K). I've found it to work quite well.


August 25, 2010
by awesome
awesome's Avatar

Thank you! I am not experienced at all at C, and a basic compiler would be very helpful.

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