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Support Forum » Data through serial

August 28, 2010
by sporkalicious
sporkalicious's Avatar

Just got the kit the other day, worked through the guide, loved it, had a few questions regarding the thermometer setup though, first, on page 55 you explain that the line:

printf_P(PSTR("%.2f degrees F\r\n"), temp_avg);

is to write out to the serial port, so that it can be read from the computer. I'm extremely interested in finding out how to do this, as alot of my project ideas would involve passing data between the computer and microprocessor regularly, is there anywhere I can read up more about this for both windows and linux? I was also hoping someone could point me in the right direction on where to find out how to improve accuracy of the thermometer or a similar sensor, using some of the methods briefly pointed out in the guide (ie. calibrating the reference voltage?

August 29, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

The tutorial (On the tutorial page of the website) for printf and scanf should get you pointed in the right direction. In that video, Mike covers that exact subject quite well.



August 29, 2010
by sporkalicious
sporkalicious's Avatar

Tyvm, also found some useful information on my question unintentionally while skimming though the servo squirter tutorial page, yet another use for PuTTY

August 29, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Watch Putty if using Windows 7, I haven't seen others having this problem but I got BSD'd when I tried using it.

BSD being the infamous thank you Windows Blue Screen of Death.

In OS X you use Terminal and Screen probable similar in Linux.


August 29, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I have often used putty in Windows XP, Vista, and 7 and never gotten a the BSOD. Don't be afraid of using putty in Windows, I'm not sure what caused Ralph's BSOD issues but I know several people who have used putty without any issues whatsoever.


August 29, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Believe me if anyone is going to get a BSD it will be me.

I tend to have so many things going on (I used to have three monitors) I tend to get all sorts of aberrant errors.

I am restoring a XP virtual machine on my Mac mini I'll try PUTTY again as I really do not like that windows program (I forgot what it was called).


August 29, 2010
by sporkalicious
sporkalicious's Avatar

I can pretty much guarantee you PuTTY is not the cause of your bsod in win7, i use it on a regular basis from multiple computers in the house on a regular basis, just never realized it could be used to connect to a serial device

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