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Customer Testimonials » nerdkits address

September 21, 2010
by Quinnifir
Quinnifir's Avatar

can someone tell me the address for nerdkits? i am sending them a letter for a math class assimigmnt. thank you!

September 21, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Quinnifir,

We are genreally much quicker about answering emails than we are about answering normal mail. If you need help with something, or this is something you can send us via email it is best to contact us at email support, or just post your question to the forums. There are tons of people here very willing to help.

If you need to send us a letter as part of the actual assignment, send us an email as well and I will make sure we reply with the best mailing address for you to send it to.


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