NerdKits - electronics education for a digital generation

Video Tutorials

On this page, you'll find several YouTube videos we've made that will help explain various projects and electronics concepts. Each microcontroller tutorial below also contains information about electronics and microcontroller programming. Click on any thumbnail below to view the video:

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Sous Vide Cooker
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Talking Digital Calipers
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Suggest a tutorial topic!
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Halloween Hijinks: Huffman-Coded Audio
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Robotic Xylophone
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Human Theremin with IR Sensors
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Halloween Capacitive Proximity Sensor
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Multi-Panel LED Array with SPI
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Digital Calipers DRO
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C Programming: printf and scanf
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Motors and Microcontrollers 101
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Interrupts & PS/2 Keyboards
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Piezoelectric Sound Meter
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Crystal Real Time Clock
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Meat Thermometer with Predictive Filter
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Marquee LED Array Display
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USB Servo-Guided Water Squirter
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Valentine's Day LED Heart
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iPhone-Controlled R/C Car
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Electroluminescent LCD Backlight Circuit
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OBD-II Car Computer
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Digital Scale Strain Gauge Weight Sensor
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Digital Arithmetic with DIP Switches
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How to Strip Wire
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Bits, Bytes, and Binary
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Making Music with a Microcontroller
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Morse Code Decoder

"I left positive feedback for my purchase before Christmas and I wish I could go back and add what an awesome product you guys sell. I own a direct mail company and we have a couple of pieces of older equipment that do not have counters on them. I am trying to develop a counter that also calculates pieces per hour and then display that info on the LCD.

P.S. the videos are killer, I can't wait for the others. Thanks again"

-Scott S.
San Antonio, TX

We're planning to make more microcontroller tutorial videos, and here's a list of a few ideas we've had. If you have a suggestion for a video or other microcontroller applications in mind to help you learn electronics, let us know!

Did you know that 20 LEDs can be controlled from 11 microcontroller pins, to make a twinkling heart outline? Learn more...