Thread |
Posts |
Views |
Last Post |
Define an array of Pin difentions |
3 |
3501 |
March 27, 2021 by scootergarrett |
/dev/cu.PL2302-0000xxxx for Mac's USB-C (Type-C) |
2 |
2219 |
January 27, 2021 by alligator |
Strobe Scope with Phase adjustment |
7 |
4680 |
August 28, 2020 by scootergarrett |
More bootloading |
1 |
2762 |
December 29, 2019 by scootergarrett |
Boot Loading |
2 |
2724 |
July 21, 2019 by BobaMosfet |
MicroView and ADC conversion |
3 |
4366 |
June 19, 2017 by BobaMosfet |
Can I use the USB-Serial Programming cable to Program 3.3V Device? |
2 |
3292 |
January 20, 2017 by Rick_S |
LED Array Kit - Costum Solution (Not working) |
8 |
3290 |
November 15, 2016 by sask55 |
RPM Program |
24 |
8556 |
September 23, 2016 by Ralphxyz |
Makefile |
4 |
3378 |
September 07, 2016 by Ralphxyz |
Completely Confused with Shift registers |
24 |
5076 |
August 17, 2016 by BobaMosfet |
RXCn: USART Receive Complete |
5 |
3608 |
March 21, 2016 by sask55 |
7 |
3706 |
February 19, 2016 by Javy |
Using two timers |
22 |
3636 |
February 01, 2016 by lsoltmann |
Buzzer sound is stretched with ATMega328 |
5 |
3360 |
January 17, 2016 by Rick_S |
Master/Slave I2C |
32 |
15808 |
December 16, 2015 by BobaMosfet |
upload to Arduino mini pro |
6 |
3346 |
December 04, 2015 by sask55 |
Elliot Williams book and video - AVR Programming |
2 |
2897 |
October 15, 2015 by BobaMosfet |
Adding a Bootloader to a ATMEGA324P |
52 |
17595 |
October 02, 2015 by BobaMosfet |
Replacement LCD |
4 |
2978 |
September 20, 2015 by edSky |
Makefile and Programmer's Notepad |
6 |
4213 |
September 18, 2015 by RickMcKeon |
MCU basic concept |
6 |
3109 |
September 10, 2015 by Ralphxyz |
Turn Nerdkit Display into Pixel Art? |
41 |
3932 |
June 04, 2015 by lnino |
How to trigger Thermal Printer? |
17 |
6206 |
May 12, 2015 by lnino |
How to Display Mhz and Baudrate on Display |
12 |
3219 |
May 05, 2015 by BobaMosfet |
AVR Simulator IDE - Nerdkit Display |
3 |
4422 |
May 01, 2015 by lnino |
Does wxpython work for the newer versions of python? |
29 |
4471 |
February 14, 2015 by Noter |
Programming with graphics |
6 |
3581 |
November 24, 2014 by jmuthe |
Let's do a project |
42 |
5003 |
November 21, 2014 by BobaMosfet |
MicroView Program Load |
7 |
4137 |
November 11, 2014 by BobaMosfet |
COM Port Problem |
4 |
3080 |
October 22, 2014 by BobaMosfet |
Do not understand this |
12 |
4760 |
September 29, 2014 by BobaMosfet |
original program |
3 |
2989 |
September 14, 2014 by sask55 |
Where do I find the C code of the functions in the library. |
14 |
4222 |
June 17, 2014 by JKITSON |
Something very odd with the LED array code |
5 |
2928 |
June 10, 2014 by lailai |
Motorcycle tachometer |
1 |
3494 |
June 09, 2014 by scootergarrett |
How to use Coin Collector Ouput? |
4 |
3545 |
June 01, 2014 by sask55 |
Pointer questions |
6 |
3329 |
May 31, 2014 by jmuthe |
Using pins the BootLoader uses |
6 |
3087 |
May 16, 2014 by Rick_S |
OneWire DS18B20 Temperature Switch on ATtiny85 |
15 |
21285 |
May 13, 2014 by Ralphxyz |
a Tiny project |
15 |
4476 |
May 05, 2014 by Pew446 |
char array if statement |
4 |
2991 |
April 21, 2014 by Noter |
How many KB of flash is my program using? |
6 |
3462 |
April 21, 2014 by Noter |
RTC 7 Segment Elapse Timer |
10 |
4800 |
March 15, 2014 by JimFrederickson |
char array if statement |
12 |
4187 |
February 27, 2014 by Ralphxyz |
How to load hex file to ATMega? |
7 |
7446 |
February 27, 2014 by Rick_S |
How to load hex file to ATMega? |
1 |
3032 |
February 24, 2014 by boxvic |
complex library |
3 |
3308 |
January 19, 2014 by esoderberg |
complex library |
1 |
2781 |
January 18, 2014 by scootergarrett |
MKII questions |
23 |
4588 |
January 16, 2014 by jmuthe |
Atmel AT90USBKey2 |
3 |
3407 |
December 25, 2013 by Ralphxyz |
How to use putty to read and write to a text file in C |
7 |
8508 |
December 13, 2013 by scootergarrett |
How do I increase the sampling time of my circuit |
9 |
3852 |
November 21, 2013 by Ralphxyz |
7 |
8186 |
November 05, 2013 by Noter |
Put the Bootloader on a blank Atmega328p chip with a Pololu USB AVR Programmer |
57 |
19253 |
November 04, 2013 by Jer |
Can’t load Noter’s AVR ISP programmer. |
13 |
3684 |
October 26, 2013 by Noter |
HV Programmer |
8 |
3864 |
October 13, 2013 by Noter |
4 Digit 7 Segment LED Display |
3 |
5368 |
September 11, 2013 by pcbolt |
Get time between sensor readings |
5 |
3582 |
August 20, 2013 by dvdsnyd |
spare parts out of stock? |
21 |
5042 |
August 16, 2013 by jchen4coxnet |
Problems with Make?? |
20 |
4624 |
August 12, 2013 by Ralphxyz |
Can only program chip using USB power? Butterfly error |
5 |
3372 |
August 09, 2013 by dvdsnyd |
Trouble getting Initialload to work can't program MCU |
7 |
3737 |
August 07, 2013 by pcbolt |
2 |
3398 |
July 29, 2013 by esoderberg |
Why muck with the MakeFile? |
12 |
5412 |
July 17, 2013 by edb |
Different result with different variable names |
9 |
3686 |
June 04, 2013 by scootergarrett |
Strange ADC errors |
15 |
4140 |
June 04, 2013 by BobaMosfet |
Error on trying to load initialload |
5 |
3188 |
May 31, 2013 by Ralphxyz |
DIP Arithmetic Exercise - Binary and Decimal Numbers |
3 |
3349 |
May 29, 2013 by Kami |
Define debug comments |
10 |
3494 |
May 23, 2013 by Noter |
DHT22 - Humidity and Temperature Sensor |
12 |
8208 |
May 23, 2013 by Noter |
using pushbutton to clear lcd as reset |
4 |
3485 |
April 28, 2013 by pcbolt |
makefile eeprom |
2 |
3132 |
April 22, 2013 by pcbolt |
TWI questions. |
10 |
4548 |
April 08, 2013 by jmuthe |
Debouncing on interrupt button press |
7 |
12422 |
April 07, 2013 by JimFrederickson |
Bootloader woes |
15 |
3979 |
April 05, 2013 by Rick_S |
How to know data has finished received from UART? |
3 |
4040 |
April 02, 2013 by pcbolt |
Nerdkit UART: 115200 --> 9600 baud rate |
3 |
4373 |
April 01, 2013 by oshjdf |
Serial Tx, Rx voltage level translation |
8 |
4971 |
March 30, 2013 by dvdsnyd |
Connecting multiple buttons on the MCU |
69 |
10873 |
March 28, 2013 by Ralphxyz |
creating make file |
10 |
3547 |
March 18, 2013 by Ralphxyz |
Trouble loading the makefile |
10 |
3360 |
March 14, 2013 by lnino |
7 |
6298 |
March 08, 2013 by esoderberg |
LCD- clearing a line with 0x00 in the array |
3 |
3463 |
March 07, 2013 by Johnny544 |
Weak PORTC output on Atmega168 |
10 |
5095 |
February 25, 2013 by Noter |
Off-the-shelf USB to Serial Cable Use |
3 |
3254 |
February 24, 2013 by Rocket_Man_Jeff |
LED Array problem? |
2 |
3120 |
February 23, 2013 by Cmnemes |
PN [WinAVR]Make All - works once and then doesn't |
7 |
3878 |
February 21, 2013 by Noter |
Printing strings on a pc console instead of lcd |
5 |
3566 |
February 15, 2013 by Q |
make: *** [portplay.hex] Error 1 |
5 |
4553 |
February 12, 2013 by Nichben |
Beginners Guide |
2 |
3693 |
February 11, 2013 by Ralphxyz |
atmega8 + 5x7 LED Matrix scanning issue |
4 |
4977 |
February 05, 2013 by adosch |
Writing into memory while running program |
4 |
3239 |
January 24, 2013 by JimFrederickson |
Strange lcd.h errors |
7 |
3752 |
January 24, 2013 by Ralphxyz |
Microcontroller Design - Courseware and Video Series from Cornell U. |
2 |
3349 |
January 21, 2013 by Ralphxyz |
error: unknown type name 'int16_t' |
5 |
7115 |
January 19, 2013 by keith712 |
Command Interface using Smartphone and bluetooth |
52 |
5753 |
January 17, 2013 by Noter |
Syncing up 2 or more microcontrollers |
7 |
8070 |
January 16, 2013 by pcbolt |
Why am I only geting a ADC: range of 0 to 500? |
2 |
3300 |
January 12, 2013 by Noter |
help with keypad/display project code |
23 |
4360 |
January 11, 2013 by pcbolt |
warning: initialization makes integer from pointer... |
3 |
3533 |
January 10, 2013 by keith712 |
LED circuit not producing expected results |
5 |
3724 |
January 05, 2013 by Noter |
AVR Programming without bootloader |
29 |
9022 |
January 05, 2013 by Noter |
residue left in off position (bitwise arithmetic example) |
2 |
3140 |
January 03, 2013 by pcbolt |
Amtel AVR ISP mkii bootloader trouble |
24 |
9949 |
January 01, 2013 by Rick_S |
Send number via UART from PC to MCU |
5 |
4359 |
December 29, 2012 by pcbolt |
typecast problem? |
7 |
3151 |
December 28, 2012 by Noter |
Bad for chip? Using all outputs to fade xmas lights with software pwm, timers and interrupts |
17 |
4432 |
December 24, 2012 by JimFrederickson |
More Powerful Micocontroller? |
19 |
4298 |
December 24, 2012 by Noter |
oscillator fuse bits |
9 |
3732 |
December 24, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
foo.c, foo.h, foo.hex, and foo.o relationships |
11 |
3576 |
December 23, 2012 by keith712 |
no such file error 1 |
6 |
4248 |
December 23, 2012 by keith712 |
Using strcpy |
3 |
3692 |
December 20, 2012 by Nichben |
Analog to Digital Conversion |
44 |
5268 |
December 18, 2012 by Rick_S |
printf problems |
9 |
3576 |
December 16, 2012 by pcbolt |
confusing bitwise arithmetic example |
15 |
5952 |
December 16, 2012 by pcbolt |
Anyone know of a good book for a beginner? |
16 |
5911 |
December 12, 2012 by pcbolt |
Problem having button push polling switch modes properly |
6 |
4045 |
December 10, 2012 by JimFrederickson |
Real Time Clock with Maxim DS3232 |
206 |
26944 |
December 04, 2012 by Noter |
Help - LCD Blank after tempsensor project... |
4 |
3049 |
December 02, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Undefined Interupt and Tips how to debug them.... |
3 |
3647 |
November 20, 2012 by BobaMosfet |
printf_P problems |
5 |
4332 |
November 20, 2012 by Volleygod |
Reading Registers with SPI Master and Slave |
1 |
5594 |
October 25, 2012 by esoderberg |
Need help with ADC on atmega168 |
19 |
5328 |
October 22, 2012 by JimFrederickson |
waht dose |= do |
5 |
3718 |
October 22, 2012 by Rick_S |
different results of printf_P between MCU's |
6 |
4732 |
October 20, 2012 by fishberg5051 |
Array limitations |
6 |
6025 |
October 16, 2012 by JimFrederickson |
RC5 infra red decoding |
4 |
5342 |
October 16, 2012 by ankush_karche |
Reading from uart stream |
18 |
5515 |
October 15, 2012 by sask55 |
AVRISP v2 programmer |
3 |
3562 |
October 14, 2012 by Robotnik |
LCD Display within a real time interrupt |
6 |
5956 |
October 12, 2012 by pcbolt |
Oscilloscopes - which one should I get for examining SPI transmissions? |
10 |
3988 |
October 12, 2012 by scootergarrett |
Double tap program, need help points? |
72 |
4685 |
October 06, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Trouble Wiring AVR ISP mkII programmer to mcu, please help. |
20 |
5988 |
October 02, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Modification of real-time clock. |
3 |
3847 |
October 01, 2012 by Noter |
indexing an array with a variable |
5 |
3311 |
September 27, 2012 by fixedPoint |
Reading Input from Infra Red Remote |
3 |
2924 |
September 27, 2012 by ankush_karche |
use of strcat fuction |
7 |
4051 |
September 23, 2012 by sask55 |
ADC problem |
11 |
3934 |
September 20, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Copying Microcontroller Code |
3 |
4479 |
September 18, 2012 by Bushy |
Program too big for MCU? |
3 |
3421 |
September 18, 2012 by jlaskowski |
Simplest programmer for non-bootloader-enabled atmega chips ? |
9 |
8646 |
September 17, 2012 by killercow |
SPI: Checking SPIF while in an interrupt Handler |
8 |
4597 |
September 17, 2012 by Noter |
Application Resetting after Adding Interrupt Handler |
6 |
3841 |
September 15, 2012 by jlaskowski |
Switching from C to Python tips? |
6 |
3689 |
September 13, 2012 by wadaltmon |
Need help reading input port pin |
8 |
3601 |
September 12, 2012 by pcbolt |
Help with delay_us using a 9.216mhz crystal |
13 |
3748 |
September 11, 2012 by sask55 |
Activating Pull-up Resistor on ATMega I/O Port |
2 |
15231 |
September 11, 2012 by jlaskowski |
Exception Thrown When Raising Port Pin for CC3000 |
4 |
4311 |
September 09, 2012 by jlaskowski |
LCD library in EEPROM |
10 |
3372 |
September 05, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
R/C Car Programing |
2 |
3575 |
August 28, 2012 by musesick |
Using Analog Comparator as Input Capture |
2 |
3249 |
August 28, 2012 by dan_engbers |
scanf_P doesn't work |
17 |
4559 |
August 27, 2012 by Gil |
Sending MIDI data using serial bus |
6 |
5161 |
August 25, 2012 by HexManiac |
Can I use this to program a bootloader onto a blank chip? |
2 |
3153 |
August 25, 2012 by Rick_S |
LCD library error? Only Line 4 and on line1 ??? |
14 |
4307 |
August 21, 2012 by thinairart |
Simple micro controlled light switch |
2 |
3576 |
August 21, 2012 by pcbolt |
RS232 Bit Banging producing unexpected results. |
10 |
4036 |
August 20, 2012 by Finis |
thermocouple amplifier serial communication |
3 |
3660 |
August 18, 2012 by Finis |
TypeCast problem |
3 |
3268 |
August 17, 2012 by eminthepooh |
Accessing a SQL server? |
2 |
3402 |
August 15, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
The datasheet!!! |
3 |
3487 |
August 10, 2012 by Medic8388 |
Where do 'PORTS' come from? |
25 |
3656 |
August 03, 2012 by virtual |
Basic programming help |
11 |
3498 |
July 30, 2012 by sask55 |
Random Number Generator |
5 |
6381 |
July 25, 2012 by lnino |
Scanner Input/Output |
7 |
3625 |
July 23, 2012 by bl00513 |
Test program - location? |
3 |
3474 |
July 21, 2012 by TheFed |
Making a library? |
11 |
6772 |
July 20, 2012 by pcbolt |
Reading from serial and sending info to a text file using python? |
12 |
23422 |
July 19, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Program with real serial cable |
9 |
4037 |
July 18, 2012 by Rick_S |
writing strings to the lcd using fprintf_P |
24 |
14282 |
July 18, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Need help, is there a problem with my DIP switch? |
5 |
3660 |
July 15, 2012 by TheFed |
Change the lcd.c / lcd.h |
21 |
7134 |
July 13, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Evaluating PIN State |
3 |
3753 |
July 11, 2012 by TuffLux |
AVRISP mkII trouble! |
4 |
6173 |
July 07, 2012 by Rick_S |
duty cycle controlled PWM with one counter? |
7 |
5703 |
July 06, 2012 by edb |
Counting the changes in a pin |
3 |
3322 |
July 04, 2012 by dgikuljot |
Problems programming continuous servo |
2 |
3450 |
July 04, 2012 by Jacp |
Orange blinking light on AVRISP mkII |
2 |
4777 |
July 03, 2012 by Rick_S |
Fuses for External Crystal |
2 |
3861 |
July 03, 2012 by Rick_S |
Software PWM (because I need 9 channels) |
6 |
5815 |
July 02, 2012 by pcbolt |
Limitations to what an interrupt can do? |
6 |
3281 |
July 01, 2012 by steely600 |
Linking other people's libraries (using them) - possible tutorial topic? |
1 |
3517 |
June 30, 2012 by icarus |
Output a sine wave with the nerdkits? |
18 |
5324 |
June 29, 2012 by live4the1 |
Programmer not responding when using ATMEGA8 |
7 |
4179 |
June 23, 2012 by rmore |
Reading eeprom |
3 |
3698 |
June 21, 2012 by missle3944 |
Bluetooth Module Question |
2 |
3536 |
June 20, 2012 by pcbolt |
Using #define |
3 |
3264 |
June 19, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Need help with multiple switched inputs for a desired output. |
5 |
3456 |
June 15, 2012 by Bamftoy |
Help needed with compiler diagnostic |
7 |
3723 |
June 14, 2012 by dicko |
Timing for each line of code |
3 |
3228 |
June 14, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Blinking LED Problem |
23 |
5046 |
June 11, 2012 by raildoc |
I'm trying to dim some LEDs... |
4 |
3428 |
June 10, 2012 by Pew446 |
328p makefile |
5 |
3445 |
June 08, 2012 by pcbolt |
Using the AVR Dragon and AVR Studio 5 |
11 |
7629 |
June 05, 2012 by pcbolt |
Different ways of programming Atmega |
3 |
3978 |
June 04, 2012 by kapkunal |
Need help with some temperature sensing |
6 |
3318 |
June 03, 2012 by chaosatom |
Input pin Trouble |
2 |
3312 |
May 28, 2012 by pcbolt |
Master/Slave SPI |
10 |
12385 |
May 28, 2012 by sask55 |
SPI problem |
7 |
6222 |
May 27, 2012 by sask55 |
Reassigning Microcontroller pins to the LCD |
5 |
3268 |
May 26, 2012 by Rick_S |
How to create a loop timer while checking 2 pin inputs |
14 |
4206 |
May 22, 2012 by Blackbird |
Is there a way to execute a program one line at a time for troubleshooting? |
4 |
3685 |
May 22, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
AVRISP2 programmer and Macbook |
3 |
3851 |
May 17, 2012 by RogerFL |
Compiler issue? |
3 |
3540 |
May 17, 2012 by RogerFL |
SPI Problem! |
1 |
4344 |
May 17, 2012 by kemil |
Read from atmega |
15 |
14404 |
May 15, 2012 by Rick_S |
Pulse width measurement(Please Help!) |
8 |
5664 |
May 14, 2012 by pcbolt |
loading source code for a multi panel array |
3 |
3461 |
May 10, 2012 by pcbolt |
Example Code for Humidity & Temperature Sensor - DHT11 / DHT22 |
5 |
5525 |
May 10, 2012 by reddog30jen |
Is it possible to scale the crystal clock down to 8 MHz? |
13 |
4231 |
May 08, 2012 by RogerFL |
Displaying on the LCD |
2 |
3267 |
May 06, 2012 by ad2476 |
Problem with Boolean type |
12 |
8467 |
May 03, 2012 by HexManiac |
Fan control troubleshooting |
24 |
5394 |
April 30, 2012 by jimlundborg |
I can send char as "0xff" or 'f', but if *str = "f", I can't send *str |
3 |
3598 |
April 30, 2012 by hevans |
Putting Data in Program Space, and using it... |
4 |
4087 |
April 29, 2012 by JimFrederickson |
include statement |
2 |
3131 |
April 26, 2012 by Heno2au |
Sequencer project (help needed with timing) |
5 |
3962 |
April 21, 2012 by sask55 |
Total noob in need of LCD help Atmega328p |
19 |
6857 |
April 20, 2012 by ram_engineerin_2012 |
Switching from ADMUX=0 to ADMUX=5 |
3 |
4901 |
April 20, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Simple UART code |
7 |
4778 |
April 17, 2012 by pcbolt |
Vsync Hsync, how to program them correctly |
4 |
4407 |
April 16, 2012 by Akeshish |
Why is width of image divided by 256? |
3 |
3408 |
April 16, 2012 by jeffspc88mx |
How do I run two subroutines or functions simultaneously? |
5 |
4529 |
April 15, 2012 by Rick_S |
Use Different External Crystal Oscillator |
12 |
3925 |
April 12, 2012 by pcbolt |
What am I doing wrong?!!! |
13 |
5202 |
April 12, 2012 by hevans |
Dont understand the &= and |= |
8 |
3669 |
April 06, 2012 by pcbolt |
newbie |
17 |
4023 |
April 05, 2012 by pcbolt |
How to get current time on Nerdkits? |
4 |
3845 |
April 03, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Digital Signal Processing |
3 |
3892 |
March 31, 2012 by Akeshish |
Slow refresh rate LED Array |
1 |
3551 |
March 31, 2012 by amartinez |
HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor NerdKits coding |
2 |
3708 |
March 30, 2012 by pcbolt |
Code Doctor needed. |
21 |
4413 |
March 30, 2012 by Farmerjoecoledge |
Need advice regarding TIMERS/COUNTERS and Interrupts. |
2 |
3873 |
March 30, 2012 by pcbolt |
LED Array questions |
3 |
3490 |
March 30, 2012 by amartinez |
Need help Programing! |
2 |
3226 |
March 24, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Tempsensor Project and Decimal Places in C |
11 |
3845 |
March 22, 2012 by pcbolt |
trouble need help |
7 |
3386 |
March 17, 2012 by Mcheques |
Storing ADC Data use as a limit |
21 |
4426 |
March 14, 2012 by stanvan |
concise serial output? |
5 |
3850 |
March 11, 2012 by sask55 |
2N7000 work with open drain? |
5 |
4273 |
March 08, 2012 by RogerFL |
How to create a timer? |
8 |
3610 |
March 07, 2012 by Rick_S |
Need help with frequency counter |
8 |
3990 |
March 05, 2012 by 6ofhalfdozen |
.h File for "for loops" and other basic C commands like that? |
6 |
3265 |
March 03, 2012 by pcbolt |
How would i create a PID controller method? |
3 |
3600 |
March 03, 2012 by esoderberg |
Mac Terminal programming |
11 |
4315 |
March 02, 2012 by jeffspc88mx |
What's a stream (ala UART)? |
2 |
3253 |
March 01, 2012 by hevans |
How to transmit "01H" (hexadecimal) via UART |
2 |
4467 |
February 29, 2012 by pcbolt |
SPI Programming |
11 |
5900 |
February 29, 2012 by RogerFL |
Can some clearly explain this to me? Regarding dip_arithmetic... |
5 |
4098 |
February 27, 2012 by jvince96 |
Sending Data to a File |
4 |
3948 |
February 21, 2012 by TheUnfocusedOne |
Peltier Cooling Feedback System |
2 |
3956 |
February 20, 2012 by 6ofhalfdozen |
Bit shifting and registers? |
3 |
3693 |
February 18, 2012 by mdk |
Code weird errors? |
13 |
4146 |
February 17, 2012 by pcbolt |
Hardware Connections |
3 |
3151 |
February 13, 2012 by hevans |
The dreaded "undefined reference" error |
18 |
13639 |
February 11, 2012 by Rick_S |
First MCU Program |
4 |
3479 |
February 11, 2012 by TheUnfocusedOne |
Resetting the chip by stopping power to pin 1? |
7 |
4118 |
February 10, 2012 by Rick_S |
How do I send number values on SPI? |
3 |
3414 |
February 07, 2012 by sask55 |
Implicit Definition Errors |
4 |
3965 |
February 07, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Fried my atmega168 (I think) and looking for a replacement |
5 |
4558 |
February 05, 2012 by mechfeeney |
Unexpected results using a timer interrupt and an LED |
3 |
4315 |
February 04, 2012 by dvdsnyd |
help with interrupts |
6 |
3981 |
February 04, 2012 by dvdsnyd |
questions on overflow |
4 |
3880 |
February 03, 2012 by dvdsnyd |
curser positioning |
6 |
3348 |
February 01, 2012 by tchilzer2 |
Some Interrupt Code |
4 |
3921 |
January 31, 2012 by tchilzer2 |
Point to a subroutine in the code for pushbutton switch monitoring |
8 |
3529 |
January 29, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Running 2 MCUs in parallel |
3 |
4640 |
January 29, 2012 by DS1000 |
Sending a string in UART |
19 |
18267 |
January 27, 2012 by treymd |
HD44780 (LCD) |
3 |
3763 |
January 24, 2012 by glendon |
Variation on 3 bit adder |
9 |
3698 |
January 23, 2012 by Blackwatch42nd |
Decimal Place on LCD |
2 |
3500 |
January 23, 2012 by Rick_S |
referencing a variable |
20 |
4208 |
January 21, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
pin change interrupts |
9 |
4967 |
January 20, 2012 by hevans |
realtimeclock1.c fatal error: 10:20: avr/io.h: no such file or directory <ENOENT> |
5 |
5823 |
January 19, 2012 by raylop |
test |
3 |
3369 |
January 18, 2012 by Gil |
Trouble with my first program! help |
50 |
4903 |
January 18, 2012 by Rick_S |
serial data over alternate pins on ATmega168? |
15 |
4251 |
January 17, 2012 by Rick_S |
How to interpret parallel interface timing diagram |
1 |
3791 |
January 16, 2012 by jeffspc88mx |
Serial Data Corruption... |
13 |
5353 |
January 15, 2012 by BobaMosfet |
dipswitch: 7+7=14, but then 0+0=01 |
6 |
3320 |
January 14, 2012 by jeffspc88mx |
Where do these *,h files reside? |
13 |
5009 |
January 13, 2012 by Rick_S |
A Couple Clock Program Questions: |
7 |
3634 |
January 08, 2012 by Rick_S |
Questions about after dividing a program into 'object modules'... |
13 |
4077 |
January 05, 2012 by pcbolt |
error: cannot open com2: specified file not found |
5 |
5116 |
January 05, 2012 by tchilzer2 |
Interrupt Problem |
8 |
3845 |
January 05, 2012 by JKITSON |
Problems locating "makefile" |
10 |
4218 |
January 05, 2012 by hevans |
Bootloader error |
5 |
4169 |
January 04, 2012 by theHU |
More than one UART on Atmega168? Or... |
7 |
4749 |
December 31, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
LCD Scroll Library |
4 |
3558 |
December 29, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Help Getting Started on Project |
8 |
3383 |
December 29, 2011 by wadaltmon |
Sound_Meter_LCD |
2 |
3271 |
December 27, 2011 by treymd |
Can I use the arduino ide to program a nerdkit? |
6 |
4079 |
December 26, 2011 by Rick_S |
Piezoelectric Sound Level Meter - Need some help |
9 |
4463 |
December 25, 2011 by Tohyj |
cannot find the programmers notepad ! win7 |
7 |
4466 |
December 24, 2011 by petersburg |
4-wire stepper motor and ADC speed control |
4 |
5607 |
December 24, 2011 by BobaMosfet |
Tempsensor Project |
41 |
6978 |
December 23, 2011 by pcbolt |
"DIP switch" project (basic nerdkit) |
6 |
4542 |
December 22, 2011 by glendon |
Serial Read in Labview |
12 |
6244 |
December 21, 2011 by frsp5 |
Anybody Using NetBeans IDE for NerdKits Code? |
6 |
4171 |
December 21, 2011 by hevans |
Tip for passing a register into a function by reference. |
1 |
3502 |
December 19, 2011 by Striker |
Corrupted Data |
2 |
4059 |
December 13, 2011 by hevans |
Digital clock code |
2 |
3822 |
December 12, 2011 by Rick_S |
Detecting high/ low pins |
11 |
12013 |
December 11, 2011 by missle3944 |
First time compilation: Error message... Found programmer: Id = "Huh? Go"; type = ' |
4 |
5563 |
December 10, 2011 by missle3944 |
Car Display Project - Wirelessly transmit data to a Scrolling Message Display Board using ARDUINO |
6 |
5057 |
December 07, 2011 by saleem |
Best Accurate Slow RPM Timing from 8-bit Clock? |
2 |
3980 |
December 07, 2011 by huzbum |
Music with the MCU?? |
12 |
5450 |
December 05, 2011 by 2electrified |
LED array scroll function |
38 |
11698 |
December 04, 2011 by Rick_S |
Using Fedora Linux 16 |
9 |
3925 |
December 04, 2011 by pfullen |
Using Vim - installing C script |
4 |
3910 |
December 04, 2011 by pfullen |
How to program your nerd kits using a mac for beginners |
6 |
3968 |
December 02, 2011 by bluestang |
First Program initilload |
11 |
3797 |
December 01, 2011 by havok310 |
New to C and Microprocessors - Resistance help |
3 |
3796 |
November 29, 2011 by huzbum |
ATmega168 variations and ISP Programmer |
1 |
4287 |
November 23, 2011 by ankush_karche |
How to convert serial data from uart_read() to const char* |
1 |
3646 |
November 22, 2011 by saleem |
Turning a light on and off via serial connection |
7 |
4165 |
November 22, 2011 by Rick_S |
LCD and custom display |
3 |
3615 |
November 20, 2011 by missle3944 |
LCD Custom Characters Help |
6 |
5277 |
November 19, 2011 by BStory |
how do you modify a makefile please help ASAP! |
5 |
4046 |
November 16, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Initialload -upload error 258 |
5 |
3594 |
November 11, 2011 by BNS |
Modbus Master |
1 |
4156 |
November 10, 2011 by doughowlett |
TEXT output via serial / com |
18 |
4010 |
November 10, 2011 by bl00513 |
Display problem when I upgrade to 328 MCU |
22 |
4334 |
November 09, 2011 by devinsbusiness |
Running 2 program in same time... subroutine |
5 |
4210 |
November 09, 2011 by Molek |
lcd streams - Can a 'stream be defined that has a scope across the entire program? |
3 |
3342 |
November 09, 2011 by JimFrederickson |
Reading a simple digital input |
22 |
12563 |
November 07, 2011 by hevans |
initialload.c and Servo Squitter |
3 |
3455 |
November 07, 2011 by Heed |
Array creation and access |
4 |
3389 |
November 07, 2011 by JimFrederickson |
Huffman coding |
2 |
3866 |
November 04, 2011 by BobaMosfet |
Can't print to the PC screen using PuTTY |
4 |
4945 |
November 03, 2011 by hevans |
Eyeboard, a new approach |
1 |
4047 |
November 03, 2011 by lcruz007 |
TWI hang up |
4 |
4292 |
November 01, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Problems with LED Array Display |
3 |
3785 |
October 30, 2011 by claesz |
Microsoft Robotics Development Studio 4 |
2 |
3716 |
October 28, 2011 by hevans |
Complete one button menu system |
3 |
7424 |
October 18, 2011 by claesz |
Multidimentional string arrays - stuck |
7 |
4442 |
October 17, 2011 by claesz |
ADC help |
3 |
3343 |
October 15, 2011 by sonicgadgets |
String manipulation |
6 |
4677 |
October 13, 2011 by claesz |
Basic Makefile Help |
4 |
3493 |
October 06, 2011 by Mindale |
LED 8x8 Matrix help |
5 |
8129 |
October 06, 2011 by Rick_S |
Led Blink |
3 |
4066 |
October 05, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Trouble upgrading |
14 |
4118 |
October 03, 2011 by hevans |
Games to learn programming |
4 |
5639 |
September 23, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Master Slave communications |
4 |
4297 |
September 13, 2011 by bretm |
I2C via interrupts define addresses for the Mega 168 |
3 |
3678 |
September 12, 2011 by Rick_S |
Bitwise Operations( Binary representation of a floating pin) |
12 |
4479 |
September 11, 2011 by dgikuljot |
MCU Configuration |
12 |
3643 |
September 08, 2011 by BobaMosfet |
Varying voltages |
10 |
3787 |
September 07, 2011 by bretm |
Interpret statement |
5 |
3665 |
September 03, 2011 by egero1 |
Temp spi help |
3 |
3387 |
September 01, 2011 by missle3944 |
LCD horizontal scrolling |
10 |
5559 |
August 31, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Reading from Multiple ADC sources. |
5 |
3539 |
August 24, 2011 by Twarter369 |
I am about ready to give up on using WinAVR. |
15 |
4447 |
August 23, 2011 by hevans |
Trying to uncomplicate my head, Building an EEPROM, Shift Register, Display Schema |
12 |
4528 |
August 21, 2011 by BobaMosfet |
xylophone program |
1 |
3698 |
August 20, 2011 by quickpenn |
Making an exact copy of a signal |
6 |
3720 |
August 18, 2011 by BobaMosfet |
Meat thermometer project Live Graph to Display Points over a Larger time period |
7 |
4016 |
August 18, 2011 by kemil |
bootloader - AVR109_Noter |
4 |
5088 |
August 17, 2011 by missle3944 |
4 Shift Registers in Daisy Chain with Atmega168 for RGB PWM |
29 |
10632 |
August 16, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
sending data over serial port at given time intervals |
4 |
3693 |
August 10, 2011 by bretm |
I made a new language for programming the Atmega |
18 |
5167 |
August 08, 2011 by bretm |
Noise Noise Noise |
3 |
4492 |
August 04, 2011 by hariharan |
Accessing PB1 - 5 |
2 |
3374 |
August 04, 2011 by Robotnik |
using avr to signal condition fredericks electrolytic inclinometer. |
4 |
3800 |
August 03, 2011 by cujofever |
Loading the "Bootloader" |
36 |
6510 |
August 03, 2011 by kayrock |
EEPROM confusion |
13 |
5230 |
July 29, 2011 by Noter |
1value error |
21 |
4566 |
July 26, 2011 by jasongillikin |
2 Dimensional Arrays |
2 |
3672 |
July 24, 2011 by Noter |
External Crystal Clock with Atmega168 PWM |
3 |
4399 |
July 21, 2011 by lavared |
Finding the length of a string for LCD updating |
13 |
3762 |
July 21, 2011 by carlhako |
Populating an Array |
22 |
5074 |
July 20, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
uint8_t array problems |
5 |
4173 |
July 20, 2011 by Tug |
sprintf won't convert to a float. |
29 |
7083 |
July 19, 2011 by BobaMosfet |
Make header file |
10 |
6278 |
July 19, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
pwm for dac |
58 |
9269 |
July 18, 2011 by kayrock |
Random Number |
2 |
3476 |
July 18, 2011 by Robotnik |
Interupts with a button |
3 |
3237 |
July 16, 2011 by Noter |
need help with my code |
3 |
3608 |
July 13, 2011 by bhovik |
Weird OSX compiling problem |
2 |
3431 |
July 13, 2011 by gcharris |
C++ |
8 |
6127 |
July 13, 2011 by BobaMosfet |
Need help with PRINTF SCANF tutorial on MAC |
3 |
3615 |
July 10, 2011 by bhovik |
Where can I find a cheap ISP Programmer? |
7 |
3904 |
July 08, 2011 by gcharris |
Realtime clock interrupt fire one per second |
13 |
5178 |
July 08, 2011 by Rick_S |
Making a programmer |
7 |
3768 |
July 05, 2011 by Noter |
RGB PWM. Cannot get led to completely turn off. |
3 |
5291 |
July 04, 2011 by uml_12 |
Aurdino Code to basic C |
1 |
4145 |
July 02, 2011 by uml_12 |
Coverting Arduino code to the Nerdkit |
3 |
5527 |
July 01, 2011 by raildoc |
LCD turns off when a LED turns on |
7 |
3693 |
June 27, 2011 by Rick_S |
Time.h |
3 |
4101 |
June 23, 2011 by JamesR |
Pygame (no rect object) |
5 |
4128 |
June 22, 2011 by missle3944 |
Question: How to stabilize output in terminal window? |
4 |
3665 |
June 22, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Error in Code |
2 |
3099 |
June 21, 2011 by Rick_S |
Is there an "If" statement that can tell if a microcontroller pin is connected to +5 volts? |
6 |
3593 |
June 21, 2011 by lnino |
Responding to a Button with Polling |
7 |
3899 |
June 19, 2011 by wvtsa |
Optimization and Outgrowth |
33 |
5161 |
June 15, 2011 by delinthe |
Is it possible to use PB0 as output? |
3 |
3357 |
June 13, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Making Music with ATmega 168 |
1 |
3809 |
June 13, 2011 by JoyceChee |
Nerdkit |
22 |
4859 |
June 11, 2011 by HJA |
Button ipod help |
5 |
3192 |
June 09, 2011 by Rick_S |
9 bit fast PWM, OCR1A |
2 |
3670 |
June 09, 2011 by kayrock |
PORTD|=_BV(1); |
4 |
4600 |
June 06, 2011 by Snoogie2563 |
I can write to my MCU but it won't work |
7 |
3662 |
June 03, 2011 by BobaMosfet |
Stepper motor code question |
1 |
4014 |
May 31, 2011 by missle3944 |
Problem with using Math.h atan2(Y, X) |
2 |
4779 |
May 29, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
questions about setting bits |
11 |
6507 |
May 26, 2011 by 6ofhalfdozen |
Digital Engine Tach |
31 |
8715 |
May 26, 2011 by huzbum |
Question About Interrupts |
4 |
3766 |
May 25, 2011 by huzbum |
RPM to MPH |
12 |
5615 |
May 25, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Why custom delay functions? |
8 |
5506 |
May 23, 2011 by bretm |
Add on/off fucntion to pwm port |
17 |
3932 |
May 23, 2011 by kemil |
Help understanding math portion of code (Sound Meter) |
6 |
3806 |
May 22, 2011 by hevans |
ATTiny10 and the USB programmer from Nerdkits.. |
9 |
5092 |
May 22, 2011 by auto_turret |
Speed up the Nerdkit |
19 |
4454 |
May 20, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
UART interrupt issues |
6 |
5004 |
May 20, 2011 by gcharris |
Reading a high or low value from voltage |
3 |
3726 |
May 20, 2011 by thatguy |
I want simple source code for communicating with POSI Shift Register. |
3 |
3677 |
May 19, 2011 by rboggs10 |
Avrdude -U Flag and File Formats |
3 |
4864 |
May 19, 2011 by Mindale |
Pins 1, 2 and 14. Can they be programmed? |
23 |
3925 |
May 17, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Writing to Hyperterminal |
3 |
8111 |
May 17, 2011 by amartinez |
PSTR error? |
5 |
3625 |
May 17, 2011 by hevans |
Photoresistor to ADC |
15 |
4570 |
May 16, 2011 by Twarter369 |
How can I play an LFO on a square wave. |
3 |
3432 |
May 14, 2011 by rboggs10 |
Storing data on a flash drive |
6 |
4564 |
May 14, 2011 by bretm |
Help with some code? |
4 |
3540 |
May 14, 2011 by SpaceGhost |
Will someone please explain PWM to me in detail? |
4 |
4011 |
May 14, 2011 by rboggs10 |
Increasing and decreasing power from a pin |
5 |
3581 |
May 13, 2011 by bretm |
Python first try comments please |
18 |
4698 |
May 12, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Control Servo with Button |
13 |
5444 |
May 12, 2011 by Noter |
Problem loading a program to microcontroller |
5 |
3913 |
May 11, 2011 by drummingbum |
Jumpy ADC tempsensor |
59 |
9831 |
May 09, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Python Help |
23 |
6495 |
May 09, 2011 by kemil |
Purchased MCU does not work? |
7 |
5588 |
May 08, 2011 by paulwszew |
Compiling error codes |
10 |
3559 |
May 06, 2011 by Cliffxxx |
LED Array Programming Help Needed |
2 |
3767 |
May 05, 2011 by hevans |
upgrade! |
1 |
3684 |
May 04, 2011 by XOXO |
SPI communication code |
11 |
5016 |
May 03, 2011 by Hexorg |
Strange Text Blinking help |
4 |
3277 |
April 25, 2011 by missle3944 |
3-Axis Accelerometer Project with Hitachi H48C |
4 |
5273 |
April 24, 2011 by xodin |
Programming in JAVA |
8 |
16066 |
April 21, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Function help |
5 |
3890 |
April 21, 2011 by missle3944 |
Hexadecimal Code Switch - How to |
1 |
4003 |
April 21, 2011 by lnino |
Interesting code structure. |
21 |
5081 |
April 20, 2011 by Noter |
LED Array with Max7219 Programming Clarification ? |
4 |
5608 |
April 20, 2011 by uml_12 |
SPI transfer delay |
3 |
3863 |
April 18, 2011 by Hexorg |
multiple bits sequentially on single pin |
24 |
4225 |
April 18, 2011 by Noter |
Implementation of printf(...) function |
2 |
3871 |
April 17, 2011 by bretm |
fdevopen vs. FDEV_SETUP_STREAM |
1 |
5383 |
April 17, 2011 by caballeroroberto |
avrdude just stopped working |
5 |
4280 |
April 16, 2011 by kayrock |
Programming with serial port |
6 |
4576 |
April 14, 2011 by carlhako |
2 |
3779 |
April 14, 2011 by Rick_S |
Programmers Notepad |
4 |
4571 |
April 13, 2011 by tdvdbtylr |
Increasing MCU Clock Speed |
3 |
3650 |
April 12, 2011 by bretm |
Nerdkits library |
9 |
3898 |
April 10, 2011 by hariharan |
Playing different music with the MCU |
7 |
22923 |
April 07, 2011 by bretm |
How to store a variable to flash memory? |
7 |
4837 |
April 07, 2011 by leedawg |
timer/counter modules interrupts |
2 |
4897 |
April 07, 2011 by Noter |
Serial setup for wireless transmission |
14 |
6751 |
April 06, 2011 by Schrat |
Memory organization |
8 |
3994 |
April 06, 2011 by Noter |
LED array |
2 |
3679 |
April 06, 2011 by hevans |
compiling a .c file |
8 |
4437 |
April 06, 2011 by Noter |
Is PORTD.0 and PORTD.1 (RX & TX) available for use with the nerdkits 168 ? |
4 |
4113 |
April 06, 2011 by popwarsweet |
Interrupt driven USART comms, problem when passing received char |
6 |
3837 |
April 05, 2011 by bretm |
led array code |
7 |
4045 |
April 02, 2011 by newbie |
Programming atmega168 with avrisp mk2 |
6 |
5789 |
April 02, 2011 by kkanodia |
Frequency |
20 |
4514 |
April 02, 2011 by hariharan |
Question in Making music with MCU project |
5 |
3838 |
April 02, 2011 by hariharan |
Help with code |
3 |
3518 |
April 01, 2011 by SpaceGhost |
LCD - and programming questions |
10 |
4433 |
March 31, 2011 by lnino |
Connect a different LCD |
12 |
4187 |
March 31, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Playing multiple notes with piezo element |
4 |
5082 |
March 30, 2011 by bretm |
Writing software using eye movements |
2 |
3461 |
March 29, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Turn on LED with Button won't work |
18 |
5288 |
March 29, 2011 by lnino |
Interrupts |
18 |
5369 |
March 28, 2011 by hariharan |
OR gate? |
14 |
4337 |
March 27, 2011 by esoderberg |
Analog Output |
2 |
3518 |
March 26, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
For command |
8 |
3631 |
March 26, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
LED Marquee with Atmega328 |
3 |
4214 |
March 25, 2011 by hevans |
52 |
6365 |
March 25, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Attiny10 |
7 |
6519 |
March 25, 2011 by Rick_S |
Java Help |
2 |
3796 |
March 24, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Help with ADC |
3 |
3374 |
March 23, 2011 by bretm |
help needed with uart code |
4 |
4211 |
March 19, 2011 by plinko |
Uart |
2 |
3596 |
March 19, 2011 by missle3944 |
How to make a "Make File" |
3 |
4716 |
March 17, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Procyon AVRlib |
4 |
6217 |
March 16, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
HCI with Electrooculography |
5 |
4573 |
March 14, 2011 by lcruz007 |
Python script collapsing after a while |
7 |
5878 |
March 11, 2011 by missle3944 |
Hacking an old school led display |
11 |
7720 |
March 10, 2011 by Noter |
Setting Pin Low |
2 |
3569 |
March 09, 2011 by esoderberg |
Compliling first file Initialload ERROR |
4 |
3672 |
March 06, 2011 by JHMTech1 |
Reading more than one Temp |
7 |
4067 |
March 06, 2011 by billwis |
Function Prototypes |
4 |
3452 |
March 04, 2011 by Rick_S |
Debugger |
3 |
3681 |
March 03, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
How do/can you store boolean values in registers? |
7 |
5480 |
March 02, 2011 by bretm |
Registers????? |
14 |
4115 |
March 01, 2011 by dgikuljot |
Parsing a string in a function |
6 |
3733 |
February 27, 2011 by MichaelJE2 |
Basic C Programming |
13 |
5934 |
February 25, 2011 by Pithikos |
Receiving the Temp Sensor Input via Serial |
5 |
3919 |
February 23, 2011 by Twarter369 |
Reading Serial Data into the ATMega 168 |
10 |
5284 |
February 23, 2011 by Wads |
Programming Capabilities |
7 |
3684 |
February 23, 2011 by Twarter369 |
RC car |
6 |
4487 |
February 22, 2011 by derberp |
How to play user entered sound? |
9 |
3977 |
February 21, 2011 by missle3944 |
Changing Message with Temperature and a Scrolling Message |
3 |
3470 |
February 21, 2011 by hevans |
Compiling the bootloader |
17 |
5020 |
February 20, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Help with PWM |
2 |
4694 |
February 20, 2011 by hevans |
4 |
3710 |
February 20, 2011 by hevans |
Adding a delay to an PWM controlled LED |
10 |
5069 |
February 20, 2011 by hevans |
Accelerometer project |
12 |
8561 |
February 20, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Microcontroller Initialload please |
2 |
3437 |
February 16, 2011 by CounterLogicEngineers |
Sample C++ Project |
2 |
4581 |
February 13, 2011 by fubar769 |
Servo code execution |
1 |
3645 |
February 11, 2011 by missle3944 |
New chip programming |
2 |
4435 |
February 08, 2011 by cn1ght |
Reading from the serial port using python? |
2 |
5344 |
February 07, 2011 by hevans |
Compiling |
3 |
3587 |
February 06, 2011 by Jalex |
Generating Polyphony with Square Waves |
2 |
4271 |
February 05, 2011 by mongo |
Checking a Pins Status |
3 |
3911 |
February 04, 2011 by Twarter369 |
help w/ a problem reading the program |
2 |
3581 |
February 04, 2011 by CCP |
C Code to Interact with the Controller |
3 |
3734 |
February 03, 2011 by kvjohnso |
can a function be used in an isr? |
2 |
5263 |
February 03, 2011 by hevans |
How could I delay in microseconds instead of milliseconds? |
4 |
3645 |
February 01, 2011 by rboggs10 |
recalling program from microcontroller |
2 |
3312 |
February 01, 2011 by Rick_S |
16 |
6094 |
January 31, 2011 by jasongillikin |
Problem Uploading program to microcontroller |
3 |
3813 |
January 31, 2011 by rboggs10 |
My first .h file usage |
3 |
4853 |
January 31, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
counting |
4 |
3430 |
January 28, 2011 by Jalex |
atmega328P's ADC |
2 |
5044 |
January 27, 2011 by hevans |
how do we use timer1 input capture? (ICP1) on PB0? help? |
10 |
26150 |
January 27, 2011 by huzbum |
bootloader for ATtiny13 |
4 |
6586 |
January 26, 2011 by hevans |
Programming an Atmega16L with AVRMacPack (AVRCrossPack) |
3 |
4104 |
January 25, 2011 by popwarsweet |
Confused again |
2 |
3478 |
January 24, 2011 by Rick_S |
Code for Momentary Switch to stay on or off |
8 |
6411 |
January 23, 2011 by SpaceGhost |
Trouble programming microcontroller! |
2 |
3668 |
January 23, 2011 by Rick_S |
Trouble programming the microcontroller |
2 |
4024 |
January 23, 2011 by Rick_S |
Loading issues |
4 |
3558 |
January 22, 2011 by Shabigity |
printf dip arithmetic |
3 |
3879 |
January 21, 2011 by bretm |
ATMega328p Nerdkit programming |
8 |
4396 |
January 20, 2011 by mrobbins |
compiler error: relocaction truncated to fit: R_AVR_13_PCREL |
3 |
6632 |
January 19, 2011 by mickdoe |
Anybody using Programmer's Notepad? |
9 |
4993 |
January 16, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
Setting register bits back to 0 |
4 |
4263 |
January 15, 2011 by carlhako |
Sending data over PS/2 connection |
3 |
3965 |
January 15, 2011 by wanderingjew |
MCU specific C programming |
4 |
4174 |
January 15, 2011 by Hexorg |
Math Problem |
1 |
3829 |
January 15, 2011 by Jalex |
Coding question |
2 |
3464 |
January 13, 2011 by bretm |
Flashing foodloader onto a blank 168-PU |
6 |
4484 |
January 13, 2011 by n3ueaEMTP |
A simpler Nerdkits Sound Meter |
3 |
4047 |
January 13, 2011 by Icyhot |
programming ladder logic |
7 |
16249 |
January 11, 2011 by tomroth |
lcd.c bitwise operations |
2 |
3853 |
January 10, 2011 by bretm |
initialload.c opens in visual basic instead of programmers notepad |
6 |
4330 |
January 08, 2011 by mrkvickasteve |
How could i use the potentiometer included in the nerdkit to control the frequency of a square wave? |
6 |
4428 |
January 07, 2011 by Ralphxyz |
SCK outside of SPI |
5 |
4706 |
January 06, 2011 by weijiajun |
USB Programming questoin NK03USB manual |
5 |
3556 |
January 04, 2011 by Steven |
N00B memory allocation questions |
4 |
3863 |
January 04, 2011 by Sciencenerd |
SD card protocol |
3 |
6709 |
January 02, 2011 by Hexorg |
Tempsensor w/scrolling message - kind of works |
19 |
4088 |
January 02, 2011 by SpaceGhost |
Problems understanding input buttons |
13 |
4420 |
January 02, 2011 by archee |
How could I send keyboard events to my computer with my NerdKit? |
5 |
4117 |
January 01, 2011 by hevans |
Just built a 7 segment interface |
7 |
5098 |
December 30, 2010 by lefam |
Pot as Input for ADC to control PWM |
8 |
5111 |
December 28, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
if statements... |
12 |
5354 |
December 28, 2010 by Hexorg |
Temperature controlled fan using PWM |
4 |
5690 |
December 22, 2010 by VictorsNerdery |
Math Check Please |
5 |
3558 |
December 22, 2010 by Keyster |
Wrong results on Screen (Using arrays): NaN |
13 |
4438 |
December 22, 2010 by Icyhot |
Question Regarding Registers |
5 |
3669 |
December 16, 2010 by hevans |
JTAG programming |
2 |
4162 |
December 14, 2010 by Cheery |
Newbie needs help with first attempt at flashing.... |
5 |
3643 |
December 11, 2010 by mbobak |
knight rider LED animation |
21 |
10708 |
December 09, 2010 by exussum |
using the Analog-to-Digital converter |
3 |
3592 |
December 06, 2010 by lcruz007 |
Error during make |
2 |
3498 |
December 06, 2010 by bretm |
trying to understand MAKE |
6 |
3618 |
December 05, 2010 by Gregg |
Implementing a standard USB device interface |
9 |
4673 |
December 04, 2010 by d3adl0ck3 |
Trouble with uart |
4 |
3607 |
December 01, 2010 by hevans |
using different crystals |
4 |
3661 |
November 28, 2010 by Rick_S |
Programming via ICSP with SPI set as master |
8 |
4492 |
November 25, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
Writing Data to File |
2 |
3963 |
November 21, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
6 |
3855 |
November 18, 2010 by hevans |
Fourier transform |
3 |
4990 |
November 14, 2010 by Hexorg |
How do I read what the bit is set to and the write it to the screen? |
3 |
3742 |
November 11, 2010 by bretm |
Quick bootloader question |
4 |
3708 |
November 10, 2010 by bingohighway |
Please help me understand why this code works sometimes |
6 |
4046 |
November 08, 2010 by gusr205 |
Doing Integrals in C code |
5 |
10667 |
November 07, 2010 by hevans |
Duty cycle |
3 |
3712 |
November 06, 2010 by LindaEC |
Checking which pin sent an interrupt |
12 |
4135 |
November 05, 2010 by bretm |
I2C Nerdkit Library |
14 |
6235 |
October 30, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
Malloc Issues |
6 |
4488 |
October 30, 2010 by kle8309 |
Smooth servo movement. |
10 |
5832 |
October 27, 2010 by esoderberg |
or operator |
2 |
3600 |
October 25, 2010 by hevans |
Tech-O-Meter |
5 |
3730 |
October 25, 2010 by Earnhardt |
Needed : Shift Register Sample Code with LED Array |
6 |
6012 |
October 25, 2010 by Rick_S |
Temperature sensor |
10 |
5181 |
October 24, 2010 by Rick_S |
Multiple blinking LEDs |
3 |
3781 |
October 23, 2010 by mmw1 |
how does avr memory work? |
2 |
4640 |
October 19, 2010 by hevans |
DAPA Upload Problem |
10 |
4499 |
October 18, 2010 by brockmjp |
Reading Resistance |
4 |
4051 |
October 17, 2010 by LindaEC |
avrisp mkii trouble |
21 |
6638 |
October 16, 2010 by Rick_S |
SDL game interacting with the real world |
2 |
4052 |
October 10, 2010 by hevans |
Setting FUSES? |
5 |
5052 |
October 10, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
ADC6 and ADC7 on ATmega328p |
4 |
6867 |
October 04, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
Upgrade from the ATmega168? |
11 |
4367 |
October 03, 2010 by mrobbins |
Multi-Panel LED Array with SPI |
8 |
4209 |
September 24, 2010 by ermias |
Using concise fractions to save time and memory in microprocessor applications |
10 |
4319 |
September 21, 2010 by bretm |
MCU Programming Error |
2 |
3520 |
September 20, 2010 by Rick_S |
Shift Registers for LED Array Kits |
2 |
3880 |
September 17, 2010 by Rick_S |
MAKEFILE and Problem with String Variables |
5 |
3750 |
September 16, 2010 by bretm |
Knight rider-ish code, with a few questions |
7 |
5770 |
September 16, 2010 by rdalton |
Linux Compiled code doesn't work, Windows does |
3 |
3981 |
September 15, 2010 by bpenglase |
Mac problems with programming |
7 |
4335 |
September 14, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
Unable to use NerdKits lcd.h file in AVRStudio |
7 |
5904 |
September 12, 2010 by msjones28021 |
make 1 or 2 pins function as a switch without a relay |
6 |
3899 |
September 07, 2010 by hevans |
Initial programming |
15 |
3917 |
September 04, 2010 by Rick_S |
LED all at once |
4 |
3738 |
August 31, 2010 by hapshetsut |
AVR Studio / CScope |
7 |
4196 |
August 26, 2010 by Rick_S |
IR reciever/transmitter |
2 |
3929 |
August 26, 2010 by bretm |
alternative programming language |
4 |
5472 |
August 25, 2010 by awesome |
Listen for serial input |
4 |
4281 |
August 24, 2010 by mrobbins |
data transmission using digital i/o |
1 |
3903 |
August 23, 2010 by sharadgupta7 |
ATmega128RFA1 AVR ZigBee combination |
1 |
5297 |
August 21, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
tempsensor |
4 |
3725 |
August 20, 2010 by LindaEC |
Music Tutorial For AtMega168L |
6 |
5239 |
August 18, 2010 by NICwHi |
Bluetooth for the scrolling LED project |
9 |
6370 |
August 18, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
Help with the LED Marquee |
30 |
5951 |
August 16, 2010 by ironcladmvtm |
Compile |
4 |
3959 |
August 16, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
Change text |
6 |
3556 |
August 10, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
Data logging using SD card |
9 |
11994 |
August 09, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
reed switch/interrupts |
4 |
4780 |
August 07, 2010 by mongo |
Getting started with 328P mcu (makefile setting using winavr) |
7 |
4951 |
August 07, 2010 by kle8309 |
Other LCDs? |
2 |
3651 |
August 06, 2010 by Rick_S |
Not working |
21 |
5568 |
August 06, 2010 by Razvan |
Generating random numbers in C. |
2 |
4643 |
August 05, 2010 by bretm |
Is the food loader altered for a 328p? |
16 |
4599 |
August 04, 2010 by gnkarn |
My MAKE article |
2 |
4274 |
August 04, 2010 by Rick_S |
COM port assignment with Vista |
6 |
4699 |
July 31, 2010 by sbrod |
Multiple ADC ports |
9 |
4833 |
July 31, 2010 by norby31 |
what do these errors mean? |
11 |
3846 |
July 28, 2010 by Rick_S |
Programming Digital Potentiometers with the ATMega 168 |
37 |
9710 |
July 28, 2010 by hevans |
Saving variables |
2 |
3813 |
July 27, 2010 by bretm |
Printing today date on LCD |
5 |
3839 |
July 27, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
Sending a string |
6 |
4347 |
July 26, 2010 by ioScream |
LED Scrolling display |
1 |
4015 |
July 25, 2010 by ermias |
error help |
3 |
4226 |
July 24, 2010 by cinta51 |
Need a JumpStart |
8 |
3876 |
July 23, 2010 by ioScream |
Replacing the MCU - Initialising the bootloader |
1 |
4833 |
July 20, 2010 by pjack |
Content mismatch - verification error |
6 |
4831 |
July 20, 2010 by pjack |
Reading battery voltage using ADC |
15 |
17036 |
July 20, 2010 by lsoltmann |
LCD sequence question |
2 |
3404 |
July 15, 2010 by hevans |
Python script to drive an LED from the PC |
3 |
4049 |
July 12, 2010 by lcruz007 |
Infrared Remote control with Nerdkit |
3 |
7764 |
July 12, 2010 by lcruz007 |
ADC with input at ground |
6 |
4548 |
July 11, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
command line windows... NEED HELP! |
9 |
4139 |
July 09, 2010 by Quinnifir |
Bootloader being overwritten |
3 |
4514 |
July 08, 2010 by blinky |
First 3 letters of my LCD are blank.. |
4 |
3870 |
July 06, 2010 by spacecase26 |
Measuring time between 2 triggers. |
3 |
4427 |
July 02, 2010 by hevans |
How to obtain a high frequency generator AND a high resolution with the timers? |
4 |
4023 |
June 29, 2010 by bretm |
Saving text to EEPROM |
2 |
5011 |
June 21, 2010 by hevans |
#define BUT_UP PORTB5 |
3 |
4156 |
June 16, 2010 by n3ueaEMTP |
Running the 2nd clock |
6 |
3868 |
June 14, 2010 by banerjen |
Quick question for those fluent in C |
7 |
3859 |
June 13, 2010 by BobaMosfet |
Programming Language Reference |
6 |
3770 |
June 12, 2010 by Jer |
Foodloader help |
5 |
4169 |
June 11, 2010 by n3ueaEMTP |
Best AVR programmer |
1 |
4128 |
June 11, 2010 by treymd |
tempsensor project |
8 |
3610 |
June 10, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
Trouble with the log10 function |
12 |
4130 |
June 03, 2010 by Rufusthedog |
Arrays for calculus and manipulation |
7 |
3567 |
May 20, 2010 by Frozenlock |
Pulse Width Modulation on the ATMega168 |
11 |
7044 |
May 14, 2010 by Malicious |
Weird behavior: Skipping loop or being stuck in it - Software or hardware? |
5 |
3734 |
May 13, 2010 by wayward |
ISP programming error |
8 |
11675 |
May 13, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
Understanding Interrupts |
5 |
4216 |
May 11, 2010 by avicell |
Maximum PWM frequency? |
4 |
4059 |
May 11, 2010 by hevans |
Where is the NerdKit's button hooked up on the breadboard? |
4 |
3639 |
May 11, 2010 by hevans |
Can the existing program be read from the microcontroller chip |
3 |
3786 |
May 09, 2010 by Iflyatwin |
need help with bit shift in Temperature Sensor project |
8 |
4306 |
May 06, 2010 by hevans |
Cant find any of the files, HELP! |
2 |
3432 |
May 03, 2010 by hevans |
Input adc read 0-900 equals pwm output 900-4500. |
2 |
3881 |
May 03, 2010 by met_fredrik |
Easy PWM tutorial |
3 |
4955 |
May 03, 2010 by met_fredrik |
IR LED and IR Rx code for Laser combat game |
11 |
4817 |
May 01, 2010 by Solorbob |
UART programming (PC side) |
4 |
4357 |
May 01, 2010 by Hexorg |
Assemble resistor notation |
4 |
3544 |
May 01, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
coding pushbuttons |
9 |
4298 |
April 30, 2010 by bretm |
Using PCINT4 |
5 |
4475 |
April 22, 2010 by bretm |
Using Shift Registers? |
2 |
4674 |
April 18, 2010 by wayward |
on flash FILE i/o |
6 |
3933 |
April 18, 2010 by treymd |
unsigned int will not return 16 bit int |
6 |
3629 |
April 13, 2010 by sask55 |
AVR Arrays? |
2 |
5582 |
April 12, 2010 by hevans |
DDRC =| (1<<PC4) meaning |
7 |
10280 |
April 12, 2010 by bretm |
ATTiny45 UART or similar? |
1 |
5061 |
April 11, 2010 by JackScumm |
My new game for my EES |
7 |
4342 |
April 10, 2010 by Hexorg |
Silly Coding Question |
10 |
4096 |
April 09, 2010 by BobaMosfet |
Vertical Scrolling |
4 |
4734 |
April 08, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
Boot loader Questions |
6 |
4661 |
April 08, 2010 by CyberGod |
Signalyzer and Windows. |
2 |
3805 |
April 06, 2010 by Farmerjoecoledge |
Serial port config (unix) |
3 |
4020 |
April 06, 2010 by Hexorg |
Trouble Controling each LED in a multi-panel LED array project from the PC |
7 |
4756 |
April 04, 2010 by brockmjp |
Musical keyboard with the NerdKits. |
1 |
3776 |
April 02, 2010 by lcruz007 |
PWM and LEDs |
3 |
4506 |
April 02, 2010 by ruipinheiro |
My hackaday feature! :o |
3 |
3808 |
March 28, 2010 by Solorbob |
Tracking how long a pin is low in Microseconds |
7 |
4384 |
March 27, 2010 by bretm |
Modifing C code without knowing C |
3 |
3821 |
March 25, 2010 by Chaosrider |
Writing the C code for another LCD, the EADOGM |
26 |
8759 |
March 24, 2010 by Frozenlock |
Python code to create LED font |
1 |
4426 |
March 23, 2010 by isdale |
Simple "Hello World" Using UART |
6 |
6020 |
March 21, 2010 by brian |
Eclipse AVR plugin help |
5 |
4151 |
March 18, 2010 by fatmarik |
Help with programing plese |
4 |
3724 |
March 17, 2010 by n3ueaEMTP |
Issue with PC6/PD0 - cannot set for output |
16 |
5016 |
March 17, 2010 by Rick_S |
POST (power on self test) |
2 |
3974 |
March 12, 2010 by treymd |
Easy PWM tutorial |
2 |
3850 |
March 09, 2010 by met_fredrik |
Easy PWM tutorial |
2 |
4292 |
March 09, 2010 by met_fredrik |
My project at my local newspaper |
3 |
4228 |
March 07, 2010 by lcruz007 |
asm macro error |
2 |
3735 |
March 05, 2010 by BobaMosfet |
fprintf_P not working properly in AVRStudio 4.18 |
6 |
3883 |
March 05, 2010 by xc2rx |
ACD sample rate |
4 |
4763 |
March 05, 2010 by norby31 |
Trouble finding "make file" in dir. dos window |
26 |
4955 |
March 03, 2010 by hevans |
Programming in C to control a Submarine... |
1 |
3732 |
March 03, 2010 by Malicious |
ATmega328P Upgrade |
3 |
3939 |
March 03, 2010 by Lazerman |
Error when trying to load program into LED ARRAY |
3 |
3552 |
March 03, 2010 by Rick_S |
Video game system with mono sound using the NerdKits |
11 |
4529 |
March 02, 2010 by lcruz007 |
Easy Random Numbers |
3 |
4842 |
March 01, 2010 by hevans |
float to int? |
5 |
3924 |
February 27, 2010 by Hexorg |
An interesting beep |
1 |
4023 |
February 26, 2010 by bretm |
Bucket Brigade |
3 |
3760 |
February 24, 2010 by hevans |
Programming with the Atmel AVRISP MKII |
11 |
11024 |
February 20, 2010 by treymd |
Skateboard project, new to programming. |
9 |
4918 |
February 20, 2010 by SkateboardTeam |
multi_panel_array_spi |
4 |
3651 |
February 15, 2010 by ton_mit |
Bootloader install |
6 |
5348 |
February 15, 2010 by Phrank916 |
Caller ID / Programming a basic modem? |
1 |
4926 |
February 14, 2010 by ajfd |
Having problem in using PIN as an I/P |
13 |
3892 |
February 13, 2010 by banerjen |
clearing data in serail buffer |
5 |
7459 |
February 11, 2010 by sask55 |
microseconds realtimeclock |
3 |
4049 |
February 09, 2010 by lcruz007 |
Programming for realtime clock/ tempsensor |
4 |
4014 |
February 08, 2010 by mrobbins |
time structure check |
12 |
3907 |
February 07, 2010 by wayward |
ISP Question |
10 |
4195 |
February 06, 2010 by Phrank916 |
Can't upload to m328p |
4 |
4329 |
February 06, 2010 by sask55 |
Check out my new project! |
5 |
4288 |
February 04, 2010 by lcruz007 |
Led Marquee and extra switches |
1 |
3894 |
February 02, 2010 by saleem |
Convert uint8_t to char |
3 |
14407 |
February 01, 2010 by saleem |
Need Accelerometer... |
8 |
4156 |
February 01, 2010 by pbfy0 |
Setting pins to fire interrupts |
3 |
3704 |
January 31, 2010 by mrobbins |
Usb Nk003 and Kubuntu |
9 |
3759 |
January 31, 2010 by Farmerjoecoledge |
I replaced the Micro with a ATMEGA168P-20PU--->ISSUES?!?! |
9 |
5145 |
January 29, 2010 by Rick_S |
what the heck does << mean? |
4 |
4185 |
January 29, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
Clocking another IC |
3 |
3497 |
January 27, 2010 by mrobbins |
Twisted pair |
11 |
4332 |
January 26, 2010 by mongo |
Python Majic |
3 |
4840 |
January 22, 2010 by Farmerjoecoledge |
Led Marquee triggered by a button question |
2 |
3817 |
January 22, 2010 by hevans |
Trouble in sending information in UART |
3 |
4068 |
January 20, 2010 by banerjen |
Upgrade to Atmega328p |
11 |
5046 |
January 20, 2010 by ton_mit |
Simple Controlling Devices With PC |
24 |
9535 |
January 20, 2010 by saleem |
Help needed on counting program |
5 |
4223 |
January 19, 2010 by pbfy0 |
/dev/ttyUSB0 "should work"--but doesnt! Help :) |
3 |
5252 |
January 19, 2010 by treymd |
Python creates it's own errors! |
17 |
3852 |
January 19, 2010 by Farmerjoecoledge |
Solar Panel Measurer Program |
2 |
3842 |
January 18, 2010 by mongo |
Compiling new code |
10 |
4254 |
January 16, 2010 by N3Roaster |
Make error |
17 |
4588 |
January 16, 2010 by Eb547 |
ISP and micro madness. |
12 |
3992 |
January 14, 2010 by Rick_S |
Code question: Setting bits/pins high or low |
4 |
3845 |
January 14, 2010 by Solorbob |
I cannot get the Code to load/ Any Help?? |
12 |
3826 |
January 14, 2010 by Rick_S |
Book suggestions? |
3 |
3796 |
January 11, 2010 by jastermerrel |
Tried adding led's to Temperature sensor project but now it reads hot with led's in place |
6 |
4074 |
January 11, 2010 by ecornwell |
Total C virgin Newbie |
4 |
4101 |
January 08, 2010 by mrobbins |
AVR w/ Zigbee or Bluetooth |
2 |
5562 |
January 05, 2010 by hevans |
Newbie needs help !!!!! |
3 |
3981 |
January 03, 2010 by Evo803 |
Programming 'error' but programs load & run |
5 |
4102 |
December 31, 2009 by hevans |
Understanding Array Code |
9 |
4182 |
December 30, 2009 by Electromech |
Temperature Project Code explaination |
3 |
3748 |
December 30, 2009 by markjbenson |
Pin change interrupt |
2 |
4359 |
December 28, 2009 by hevans |
how to write a simple button push interrupt with debounding |
2 |
5182 |
December 28, 2009 by hevans |
initialload make error - possible avr-gcc installation problem |
2 |
4173 |
December 27, 2009 by hevans |
Simple LED Light Chaser Souce Code In C |
12 |
17563 |
December 27, 2009 by jastermerrel |
Makefile foodloader |
34 |
6204 |
December 27, 2009 by Farmerjoecoledge |
Delphi COM Streaming |
3 |
6292 |
December 25, 2009 by Aceslick911 |
High voltage signal timer |
3 |
3721 |
December 23, 2009 by lcruz007 |
Compiler. besides the gcc? |
56 |
6199 |
December 22, 2009 by Rick_S |
Managing data tables |
12 |
4233 |
December 21, 2009 by JKITSON |
external interrupt |
1 |
3683 |
December 21, 2009 by saleem |
Weather Station |
1 |
4522 |
December 19, 2009 by mrediske |
Clock time / keyboard / LED Marquee combined |
2 |
5602 |
December 14, 2009 by hevans |
from ivonv's post |
8 |
4638 |
December 08, 2009 by pbfy0 |
LED array do_scrolling_display() with more comments |
4 |
3832 |
December 07, 2009 by Rick_S |
delay.c issues with the 328p |
5 |
5006 |
December 07, 2009 by mrobbins |
Tempsensor Variation Problem |
43 |
5237 |
December 06, 2009 by pbfy0 |
Ideas for coding LED array streaming? |
10 |
4624 |
December 05, 2009 by Haprog |
Saving Data Collected by a Microcontroller |
2 |
3712 |
December 04, 2009 by pbfy0 |
A few questions... |
10 |
4711 |
November 29, 2009 by hevans |
Help with code please |
22 |
5686 |
November 29, 2009 by pbfy0 |
Programmers Wanted |
1 |
4042 |
November 28, 2009 by Farmerjoecoledge |
MCU fails during programming |
5 |
3948 |
November 25, 2009 by n3ueaEMTP |
Writing Big Numbers to the LCD |
4 |
3965 |
November 24, 2009 by FWSquatch |
Random Questions |
10 |
4078 |
November 24, 2009 by n3ueaEMTP |
Multiple A/D converters at the same time |
4 |
4419 |
November 23, 2009 by BobaMosfet |
Assembly Language & C ++ |
6 |
6362 |
November 23, 2009 by BobaMosfet |
C Programming basic question |
3 |
3927 |
November 22, 2009 by FWSquatch |
Looking for I2C tutorial/guide |
4 |
6583 |
November 09, 2009 by jbremnant |
LED Marquee acting weird |
23 |
5006 |
November 02, 2009 by hevans |
How-To: Sleep |
11 |
6492 |
October 27, 2009 by mikedoug |
I2C communications |
3 |
3894 |
October 24, 2009 by mikedoug |
[Help] Make file python listener and order of operations |
22 |
7309 |
October 24, 2009 by Tug |
Question on tempsensor - division operation x100? |
3 |
3782 |
October 19, 2009 by puargs |
Suggestions for LCD program space |
13 |
4690 |
October 14, 2009 by mikedoug |
Tug this is for you (only) |
5 |
4162 |
October 14, 2009 by Farmerjoecoledge |
Location to find bootloaders for ATmega series |
9 |
4918 |
September 28, 2009 by rusirius |
Connection to cell phones |
7 |
4772 |
September 22, 2009 by rusirius |
Very simple assembly problem |
13 |
5879 |
September 21, 2009 by rusirius |
Linux C editor recommendation |
11 |
6350 |
September 19, 2009 by wayward |
Using assembly on ATmega168 with Linux |
2 |
5731 |
September 19, 2009 by mrobbins |
can nerdkit produce variable voltages?? |
7 |
4619 |
September 15, 2009 by rusirius |
Using source code |
10 |
4429 |
August 31, 2009 by mrobbins |
Genesis - Simple MCU programming Library |
3 |
4630 |
August 26, 2009 by Nerdful_com |
Curious about Wireless |
3 |
4146 |
August 26, 2009 by sgmaniac1255 |
Simple Foot Mouse Buttons (Use Switches To Click Events On PC) |
3 |
7143 |
August 23, 2009 by Nerdful_com |
Simple 'Dimming an LED example' |
3 |
13812 |
August 19, 2009 by Nerdful_com |
"connection refused" ledarray2 |
7 |
4568 |
August 19, 2009 by Farmerjoecoledge |
Changing Uart Baud Rate |
6 |
6127 |
August 15, 2009 by Starwarslegokid |
python loop |
21 |
5870 |
August 11, 2009 by Farmerjoecoledge |
When PIN is high and when it is low |
5 |
4821 |
August 11, 2009 by amco |
"Fancy Pants" Batch File |
3 |
4850 |
August 09, 2009 by shix |
Simple Traffic Light Souce Code In C |
4 |
18875 |
August 09, 2009 by Nerdful_com |
Interesting Behavior with ATMega328 after loading Nerdkits Bootloader |
2 |
7602 |
July 29, 2009 by mrobbins |
Bootloader Kit |
9 |
4921 |
July 29, 2009 by karlockhart |
Boodloader and STK500, please help! |
7 |
10595 |
July 22, 2009 by abenaki |
Makefile won't "make" in command prompt |
7 |
11264 |
July 16, 2009 by sgmaniac1255 |
Loading bootloader onto new microcontroller, a few questions. |
1 |
3975 |
July 10, 2009 by karlockhart |
Digital Write Question |
14 |
4703 |
July 07, 2009 by Ethanal |
AVR Studio for atmega168 |
2 |
6442 |
July 05, 2009 by BobaMosfet |
Python for Led Marquee questions |
1 |
4062 |
June 22, 2009 by Tug |
debugging |
4 |
4424 |
June 20, 2009 by wayward |
Help with a state machine |
3 |
5493 |
June 11, 2009 by n3ueaEMTP |
Binary Clock |
24 |
8083 |
June 03, 2009 by mcai8sh4 |
Loading A Bootloader |
8 |
6114 |
May 31, 2009 by luisgarciaalanis |
Reprogramming LCD pins |
18 |
5397 |
May 26, 2009 by wayward |
sprintf |
4 |
6108 |
May 22, 2009 by wayward |
testing the programmer |
3 |
4059 |
May 16, 2009 by digiassn |
initialload |
3 |
4303 |
May 09, 2009 by tuxguy |
Simple Communication with your computer |
12 |
5214 |
May 06, 2009 by n3ueaEMTP |
If Statement in a State Machine |
10 |
4715 |
May 06, 2009 by wayward |
AVR Bootloaders |
3 |
4264 |
April 18, 2009 by wayward |
Led Marquee question |
14 |
4971 |
April 11, 2009 by mcai8sh4 |