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Microcontroller Programming

NerdKits » Forums » Microcontroller Programming (835 threads, 6773 posts)
Thread Posts Views Last Post
Define an array of Pin difentions 3 3465 March 27, 2021
by scootergarrett
/dev/cu.PL2302-0000xxxx for Mac's USB-C (Type-C) 2 2192 January 27, 2021
by alligator
Strobe Scope with Phase adjustment 7 4634 August 28, 2020
by scootergarrett
More bootloading 1 2734 December 29, 2019
by scootergarrett
Boot Loading 2 2696 July 21, 2019
by BobaMosfet
MicroView and ADC conversion 3 4334 June 19, 2017
by BobaMosfet
Can I use the USB-Serial Programming cable to Program 3.3V Device? 2 3262 January 20, 2017
by Rick_S
LED Array Kit - Costum Solution (Not working) 8 3270 November 15, 2016
by sask55
RPM Program 24 8511 September 23, 2016
by Ralphxyz
Makefile 4 3349 September 07, 2016
by Ralphxyz
Completely Confused with Shift registers 24 5043 August 17, 2016
by BobaMosfet
RXCn: USART Receive Complete 5 3564 March 21, 2016
by sask55
ADMUX=0 7 3666 February 19, 2016
by Javy
Using two timers 22 3597 February 01, 2016
by lsoltmann
Buzzer sound is stretched with ATMega328 5 3327 January 17, 2016
by Rick_S
Master/Slave I2C 32 15751 December 16, 2015
by BobaMosfet
upload to Arduino mini pro 6 3316 December 04, 2015
by sask55
Elliot Williams book and video - AVR Programming 2 2875 October 15, 2015
by BobaMosfet
Adding a Bootloader to a ATMEGA324P 52 17522 October 02, 2015
by BobaMosfet
Replacement LCD 4 2955 September 20, 2015
by edSky
Makefile and Programmer's Notepad 6 4163 September 18, 2015
by RickMcKeon
MCU basic concept 6 3062 September 10, 2015
by Ralphxyz
Turn Nerdkit Display into Pixel Art? 41 3889 June 04, 2015
by lnino
How to trigger Thermal Printer? 17 6167 May 12, 2015
by lnino
How to Display Mhz and Baudrate on Display 12 3163 May 05, 2015
by BobaMosfet
AVR Simulator IDE - Nerdkit Display 3 4383 May 01, 2015
by lnino
Does wxpython work for the newer versions of python? 29 4408 February 14, 2015
by Noter
Programming with graphics 6 3543 November 24, 2014
by jmuthe
Let's do a project 42 4954 November 21, 2014
by BobaMosfet
MicroView Program Load 7 4109 November 11, 2014
by BobaMosfet
COM Port Problem 4 3049 October 22, 2014
by BobaMosfet
Do not understand this 12 4708 September 29, 2014
by BobaMosfet
original program 3 2947 September 14, 2014
by sask55
Where do I find the C code of the functions in the library. 14 4176 June 17, 2014
Something very odd with the LED array code 5 2892 June 10, 2014
by lailai
Motorcycle tachometer 1 3453 June 09, 2014
by scootergarrett
How to use Coin Collector Ouput? 4 3503 June 01, 2014
by sask55
Pointer questions 6 3299 May 31, 2014
by jmuthe
Using pins the BootLoader uses 6 3046 May 16, 2014
by Rick_S
OneWire DS18B20 Temperature Switch on ATtiny85 15 21239 May 13, 2014
by Ralphxyz
a Tiny project 15 4438 May 05, 2014
by Pew446
char array if statement 4 2969 April 21, 2014
by Noter
How many KB of flash is my program using? 6 3437 April 21, 2014
by Noter
RTC 7 Segment Elapse Timer 10 4769 March 15, 2014
by JimFrederickson
char array if statement 12 4162 February 27, 2014
by Ralphxyz
How to load hex file to ATMega? 7 7385 February 27, 2014
by Rick_S
How to load hex file to ATMega? 1 3015 February 24, 2014
by boxvic
complex library 3 3286 January 19, 2014
by esoderberg
complex library 1 2760 January 18, 2014
by scootergarrett
MKII questions 23 4563 January 16, 2014
by jmuthe
Atmel AT90USBKey2 3 3378 December 25, 2013
by Ralphxyz
How to use putty to read and write to a text file in C 7 8439 December 13, 2013
by scootergarrett
How do I increase the sampling time of my circuit 9 3830 November 21, 2013
by Ralphxyz
AVRISP-MKII Clone 7 8140 November 05, 2013
by Noter
Put the Bootloader on a blank Atmega328p chip with a Pololu USB AVR Programmer 57 19219 November 04, 2013
by Jer
Can’t load Noter’s AVR ISP programmer. 13 3664 October 26, 2013
by Noter
HV Programmer 8 3838 October 13, 2013
by Noter
4 Digit 7 Segment LED Display 3 5338 September 11, 2013
by pcbolt
Get time between sensor readings 5 3554 August 20, 2013
by dvdsnyd
spare parts out of stock? 21 5014 August 16, 2013
by jchen4coxnet
Problems with Make?? 20 4595 August 12, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Can only program chip using USB power? Butterfly error 5 3344 August 09, 2013
by dvdsnyd
Trouble getting Initialload to work can't program MCU 7 3712 August 07, 2013
by pcbolt
XMEGA 2 3374 July 29, 2013
by esoderberg
Why muck with the MakeFile? 12 5377 July 17, 2013
by edb
Different result with different variable names 9 3659 June 04, 2013
by scootergarrett
Strange ADC errors 15 4115 June 04, 2013
by BobaMosfet
Error on trying to load initialload 5 3165 May 31, 2013
by Ralphxyz
DIP Arithmetic Exercise - Binary and Decimal Numbers 3 3314 May 29, 2013
by Kami
Define debug comments 10 3468 May 23, 2013
by Noter
DHT22 - Humidity and Temperature Sensor 12 8183 May 23, 2013
by Noter
using pushbutton to clear lcd as reset 4 3461 April 28, 2013
by pcbolt
makefile eeprom 2 3113 April 22, 2013
by pcbolt
TWI questions. 10 4499 April 08, 2013
by jmuthe
Debouncing on interrupt button press 7 12392 April 07, 2013
by JimFrederickson
Bootloader woes 15 3949 April 05, 2013
by Rick_S
How to know data has finished received from UART? 3 4013 April 02, 2013
by pcbolt
Nerdkit UART: 115200 --> 9600 baud rate 3 4354 April 01, 2013
by oshjdf
Serial Tx, Rx voltage level translation 8 4937 March 30, 2013
by dvdsnyd
Connecting multiple buttons on the MCU 69 10827 March 28, 2013
by Ralphxyz
creating make file 10 3507 March 18, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Trouble loading the makefile 10 3326 March 14, 2013
by lnino
USART as SPI 7 6256 March 08, 2013
by esoderberg
LCD- clearing a line with 0x00 in the array 3 3443 March 07, 2013
by Johnny544
Weak PORTC output on Atmega168 10 5056 February 25, 2013
by Noter
Off-the-shelf USB to Serial Cable Use 3 3224 February 24, 2013
by Rocket_Man_Jeff
LED Array problem? 2 3085 February 23, 2013
by Cmnemes
PN [WinAVR]Make All - works once and then doesn't 7 3852 February 21, 2013
by Noter
Printing strings on a pc console instead of lcd 5 3528 February 15, 2013
by Q
make: *** [portplay.hex] Error 1 5 4514 February 12, 2013
by Nichben
Beginners Guide 2 3657 February 11, 2013
by Ralphxyz
atmega8 + 5x7 LED Matrix scanning issue 4 4934 February 05, 2013
by adosch
Writing into memory while running program 4 3216 January 24, 2013
by JimFrederickson
Strange lcd.h errors 7 3720 January 24, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Microcontroller Design - Courseware and Video Series from Cornell U. 2 3319 January 21, 2013
by Ralphxyz
error: unknown type name 'int16_t' 5 7076 January 19, 2013
by keith712
Command Interface using Smartphone and bluetooth 52 5724 January 17, 2013
by Noter
Syncing up 2 or more microcontrollers 7 8020 January 16, 2013
by pcbolt
Why am I only geting a ADC: range of 0 to 500? 2 3263 January 12, 2013
by Noter
help with keypad/display project code 23 4315 January 11, 2013
by pcbolt
warning: initialization makes integer from pointer... 3 3506 January 10, 2013
by keith712
LED circuit not producing expected results 5 3701 January 05, 2013
by Noter
AVR Programming without bootloader 29 8991 January 05, 2013
by Noter
residue left in off position (bitwise arithmetic example) 2 3118 January 03, 2013
by pcbolt
Amtel AVR ISP mkii bootloader trouble 24 9910 January 01, 2013
by Rick_S
Send number via UART from PC to MCU 5 4337 December 29, 2012
by pcbolt
typecast problem? 7 3124 December 28, 2012
by Noter
Bad for chip? Using all outputs to fade xmas lights with software pwm, timers and interrupts 17 4402 December 24, 2012
by JimFrederickson
More Powerful Micocontroller? 19 4269 December 24, 2012
by Noter
oscillator fuse bits 9 3706 December 24, 2012
by Ralphxyz
foo.c, foo.h, foo.hex, and foo.o relationships 11 3547 December 23, 2012
by keith712
no such file error 1 6 4223 December 23, 2012
by keith712
Using strcpy 3 3673 December 20, 2012
by Nichben
Analog to Digital Conversion 44 5241 December 18, 2012
by Rick_S
printf problems 9 3552 December 16, 2012
by pcbolt
confusing bitwise arithmetic example 15 5911 December 16, 2012
by pcbolt
Anyone know of a good book for a beginner? 16 5880 December 12, 2012
by pcbolt
Problem having button push polling switch modes properly 6 4017 December 10, 2012
by JimFrederickson
Real Time Clock with Maxim DS3232 206 26851 December 04, 2012
by Noter
Help - LCD Blank after tempsensor project... 4 3031 December 02, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Undefined Interupt and Tips how to debug them.... 3 3609 November 20, 2012
by BobaMosfet
printf_P problems 5 4289 November 20, 2012
by Volleygod
Reading Registers with SPI Master and Slave 1 5557 October 25, 2012
by esoderberg
Need help with ADC on atmega168 19 5293 October 22, 2012
by JimFrederickson
waht dose |= do 5 3681 October 22, 2012
by Rick_S
different results of printf_P between MCU's 6 4695 October 20, 2012
by fishberg5051
Array limitations 6 6001 October 16, 2012
by JimFrederickson
RC5 infra red decoding 4 5305 October 16, 2012
by ankush_karche
Reading from uart stream 18 5467 October 15, 2012
by sask55
AVRISP v2 programmer 3 3525 October 14, 2012
by Robotnik
LCD Display within a real time interrupt 6 5915 October 12, 2012
by pcbolt
Oscilloscopes - which one should I get for examining SPI transmissions? 10 3950 October 12, 2012
by scootergarrett
Double tap program, need help points? 72 4651 October 06, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Trouble Wiring AVR ISP mkII programmer to mcu, please help. 20 5942 October 02, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Modification of real-time clock. 3 3814 October 01, 2012
by Noter
indexing an array with a variable 5 3272 September 27, 2012
by fixedPoint
Reading Input from Infra Red Remote 3 2892 September 27, 2012
by ankush_karche
use of strcat fuction 7 4002 September 23, 2012
by sask55
ADC problem 11 3887 September 20, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Copying Microcontroller Code 3 4446 September 18, 2012
by Bushy
Program too big for MCU? 3 3401 September 18, 2012
by jlaskowski
Simplest programmer for non-bootloader-enabled atmega chips ? 9 8624 September 17, 2012
by killercow
SPI: Checking SPIF while in an interrupt Handler 8 4564 September 17, 2012
by Noter
Application Resetting after Adding Interrupt Handler 6 3813 September 15, 2012
by jlaskowski
Switching from C to Python tips? 6 3659 September 13, 2012
by wadaltmon
Need help reading input port pin 8 3571 September 12, 2012
by pcbolt
Help with delay_us using a 9.216mhz crystal 13 3722 September 11, 2012
by sask55
Activating Pull-up Resistor on ATMega I/O Port 2 15158 September 11, 2012
by jlaskowski
Exception Thrown When Raising Port Pin for CC3000 4 4283 September 09, 2012
by jlaskowski
LCD library in EEPROM 10 3346 September 05, 2012
by Ralphxyz
R/C Car Programing 2 3540 August 28, 2012
by musesick
Using Analog Comparator as Input Capture 2 3223 August 28, 2012
by dan_engbers
scanf_P doesn't work 17 4535 August 27, 2012
by Gil
Sending MIDI data using serial bus 6 5133 August 25, 2012
by HexManiac
Can I use this to program a bootloader onto a blank chip? 2 3131 August 25, 2012
by Rick_S
LCD library error? Only Line 4 and on line1 ??? 14 4279 August 21, 2012
by thinairart
Simple micro controlled light switch 2 3554 August 21, 2012
by pcbolt
RS232 Bit Banging producing unexpected results. 10 4017 August 20, 2012
by Finis
thermocouple amplifier serial communication 3 3632 August 18, 2012
by Finis
TypeCast problem 3 3248 August 17, 2012
by eminthepooh
Accessing a SQL server? 2 3370 August 15, 2012
by Ralphxyz
The datasheet!!! 3 3456 August 10, 2012
by Medic8388
Where do 'PORTS' come from? 25 3628 August 03, 2012
by virtual
Basic programming help 11 3462 July 30, 2012
by sask55
Random Number Generator 5 6340 July 25, 2012
by lnino
Scanner Input/Output 7 3603 July 23, 2012
by bl00513
Test program - location? 3 3443 July 21, 2012
by TheFed
Making a library? 11 6735 July 20, 2012
by pcbolt
Reading from serial and sending info to a text file using python? 12 23343 July 19, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Program with real serial cable 9 3994 July 18, 2012
by Rick_S
writing strings to the lcd using fprintf_P 24 14249 July 18, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Need help, is there a problem with my DIP switch? 5 3622 July 15, 2012
by TheFed
Change the lcd.c / lcd.h 21 7084 July 13, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Evaluating PIN State 3 3717 July 11, 2012
by TuffLux
AVRISP mkII trouble! 4 6132 July 07, 2012
by Rick_S
duty cycle controlled PWM with one counter? 7 5653 July 06, 2012
by edb
Counting the changes in a pin 3 3287 July 04, 2012
by dgikuljot
Problems programming continuous servo 2 3418 July 04, 2012
by Jacp
Orange blinking light on AVRISP mkII 2 4747 July 03, 2012
by Rick_S
Fuses for External Crystal 2 3824 July 03, 2012
by Rick_S
Software PWM (because I need 9 channels) 6 5773 July 02, 2012
by pcbolt
Limitations to what an interrupt can do? 6 3252 July 01, 2012
by steely600
Linking other people's libraries (using them) - possible tutorial topic? 1 3492 June 30, 2012
by icarus
Output a sine wave with the nerdkits? 18 5286 June 29, 2012
by live4the1
Programmer not responding when using ATMEGA8 7 4138 June 23, 2012
by rmore
Reading eeprom 3 3672 June 21, 2012
by missle3944
Bluetooth Module Question 2 3518 June 20, 2012
by pcbolt
Using #define 3 3245 June 19, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Need help with multiple switched inputs for a desired output. 5 3424 June 15, 2012
by Bamftoy
Help needed with compiler diagnostic 7 3704 June 14, 2012
by dicko
Timing for each line of code 3 3191 June 14, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Blinking LED Problem 23 5020 June 11, 2012
by raildoc
I'm trying to dim some LEDs... 4 3404 June 10, 2012
by Pew446
328p makefile 5 3425 June 08, 2012
by pcbolt
Using the AVR Dragon and AVR Studio 5 11 7603 June 05, 2012
by pcbolt
Different ways of programming Atmega 3 3953 June 04, 2012
by kapkunal
Need help with some temperature sensing 6 3291 June 03, 2012
by chaosatom
Input pin Trouble 2 3292 May 28, 2012
by pcbolt
Master/Slave SPI 10 12359 May 28, 2012
by sask55
SPI problem 7 6192 May 27, 2012
by sask55
Reassigning Microcontroller pins to the LCD 5 3236 May 26, 2012
by Rick_S
How to create a loop timer while checking 2 pin inputs 14 4173 May 22, 2012
by Blackbird
Is there a way to execute a program one line at a time for troubleshooting? 4 3648 May 22, 2012
by Ralphxyz
AVRISP2 programmer and Macbook 3 3817 May 17, 2012
by RogerFL
Compiler issue? 3 3517 May 17, 2012
by RogerFL
SPI Problem! 1 4289 May 17, 2012
by kemil
Read from atmega 15 14351 May 15, 2012
by Rick_S
Pulse width measurement(Please Help!) 8 5625 May 14, 2012
by pcbolt
loading source code for a multi panel array 3 3429 May 10, 2012
by pcbolt
Example Code for Humidity & Temperature Sensor - DHT11 / DHT22 5 5489 May 10, 2012
by reddog30jen
Is it possible to scale the crystal clock down to 8 MHz? 13 4190 May 08, 2012
by RogerFL
Displaying on the LCD 2 3251 May 06, 2012
by ad2476
Problem with Boolean type 12 8420 May 03, 2012
by HexManiac
Fan control troubleshooting 24 5350 April 30, 2012
by jimlundborg
I can send char as "0xff" or 'f', but if *str = "f", I can't send *str 3 3562 April 30, 2012
by hevans
Putting Data in Program Space, and using it... 4 4049 April 29, 2012
by JimFrederickson
include statement 2 3098 April 26, 2012
by Heno2au
Sequencer project (help needed with timing) 5 3921 April 21, 2012
by sask55
Total noob in need of LCD help Atmega328p 19 6811 April 20, 2012
by ram_engineerin_2012
Switching from ADMUX=0 to ADMUX=5 3 4863 April 20, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Simple UART code 7 4745 April 17, 2012
by pcbolt
Vsync Hsync, how to program them correctly 4 4381 April 16, 2012
by Akeshish
Why is width of image divided by 256? 3 3377 April 16, 2012
by jeffspc88mx
How do I run two subroutines or functions simultaneously? 5 4497 April 15, 2012
by Rick_S
Use Different External Crystal Oscillator 12 3901 April 12, 2012
by pcbolt
What am I doing wrong?!!! 13 5181 April 12, 2012
by hevans
Dont understand the &= and |= 8 3642 April 06, 2012
by pcbolt
newbie 17 4002 April 05, 2012
by pcbolt
How to get current time on Nerdkits? 4 3825 April 03, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Digital Signal Processing 3 3869 March 31, 2012
by Akeshish
Slow refresh rate LED Array 1 3529 March 31, 2012
by amartinez
HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor NerdKits coding 2 3679 March 30, 2012
by pcbolt
Code Doctor needed. 21 4379 March 30, 2012
by Farmerjoecoledge
Need advice regarding TIMERS/COUNTERS and Interrupts. 2 3851 March 30, 2012
by pcbolt
LED Array questions 3 3464 March 30, 2012
by amartinez
Need help Programing! 2 3207 March 24, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Tempsensor Project and Decimal Places in C 11 3790 March 22, 2012
by pcbolt
trouble need help 7 3364 March 17, 2012
by Mcheques
Storing ADC Data use as a limit 21 4395 March 14, 2012
by stanvan
concise serial output? 5 3818 March 11, 2012
by sask55
2N7000 work with open drain? 5 4246 March 08, 2012
by RogerFL
How to create a timer? 8 3591 March 07, 2012
by Rick_S
Need help with frequency counter 8 3957 March 05, 2012
by 6ofhalfdozen
.h File for "for loops" and other basic C commands like that? 6 3242 March 03, 2012
by pcbolt
How would i create a PID controller method? 3 3577 March 03, 2012
by esoderberg
Mac Terminal programming 11 4290 March 02, 2012
by jeffspc88mx
What's a stream (ala UART)? 2 3235 March 01, 2012
by hevans
How to transmit "01H" (hexadecimal) via UART 2 4449 February 29, 2012
by pcbolt
SPI Programming 11 5870 February 29, 2012
by RogerFL
Can some clearly explain this to me? Regarding dip_arithmetic... 5 4068 February 27, 2012
by jvince96
Sending Data to a File 4 3922 February 21, 2012
by TheUnfocusedOne
Peltier Cooling Feedback System 2 3927 February 20, 2012
by 6ofhalfdozen
Bit shifting and registers? 3 3672 February 18, 2012
by mdk
Code weird errors? 13 4119 February 17, 2012
by pcbolt
Hardware Connections 3 3134 February 13, 2012
by hevans
The dreaded "undefined reference" error 18 13599 February 11, 2012
by Rick_S
First MCU Program 4 3450 February 11, 2012
by TheUnfocusedOne
Resetting the chip by stopping power to pin 1? 7 4090 February 10, 2012
by Rick_S
How do I send number values on SPI? 3 3394 February 07, 2012
by sask55
Implicit Definition Errors 4 3946 February 07, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Fried my atmega168 (I think) and looking for a replacement 5 4518 February 05, 2012
by mechfeeney
Unexpected results using a timer interrupt and an LED 3 4273 February 04, 2012
by dvdsnyd
help with interrupts 6 3935 February 04, 2012
by dvdsnyd
questions on overflow 4 3833 February 03, 2012
by dvdsnyd
curser positioning 6 3308 February 01, 2012
by tchilzer2
Some Interrupt Code 4 3888 January 31, 2012
by tchilzer2
Point to a subroutine in the code for pushbutton switch monitoring 8 3488 January 29, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Running 2 MCUs in parallel 3 4590 January 29, 2012
by DS1000
Sending a string in UART 19 18211 January 27, 2012
by treymd
HD44780 (LCD) 3 3731 January 24, 2012
by glendon
Variation on 3 bit adder 9 3657 January 23, 2012
by Blackwatch42nd
Decimal Place on LCD 2 3467 January 23, 2012
by Rick_S
referencing a variable 20 4165 January 21, 2012
by Ralphxyz
pin change interrupts 9 4936 January 20, 2012
by hevans
realtimeclock1.c fatal error: 10:20: avr/io.h: no such file or directory <ENOENT> 5 5787 January 19, 2012
by raylop
test 3 3335 January 18, 2012
by Gil
Trouble with my first program! help 50 4865 January 18, 2012
by Rick_S
serial data over alternate pins on ATmega168? 15 4206 January 17, 2012
by Rick_S
How to interpret parallel interface timing diagram 1 3753 January 16, 2012
by jeffspc88mx
Serial Data Corruption... 13 5310 January 15, 2012
by BobaMosfet
dipswitch: 7+7=14, but then 0+0=01 6 3299 January 14, 2012
by jeffspc88mx
Where do these *,h files reside? 13 4978 January 13, 2012
by Rick_S
A Couple Clock Program Questions: 7 3611 January 08, 2012
by Rick_S
Questions about after dividing a program into 'object modules'... 13 4044 January 05, 2012
by pcbolt
error: cannot open com2: specified file not found 5 5094 January 05, 2012
by tchilzer2
Interrupt Problem 8 3814 January 05, 2012
Problems locating "makefile" 10 4193 January 05, 2012
by hevans
Bootloader error 5 4143 January 04, 2012
by theHU
More than one UART on Atmega168? Or... 7 4720 December 31, 2011
by Ralphxyz
LCD Scroll Library 4 3541 December 29, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Help Getting Started on Project 8 3363 December 29, 2011
by wadaltmon
Sound_Meter_LCD 2 3246 December 27, 2011
by treymd
Can I use the arduino ide to program a nerdkit? 6 4053 December 26, 2011
by Rick_S
Piezoelectric Sound Level Meter - Need some help 9 4436 December 25, 2011
by Tohyj
cannot find the programmers notepad ! win7 7 4444 December 24, 2011
by petersburg
4-wire stepper motor and ADC speed control 4 5575 December 24, 2011
by BobaMosfet
Tempsensor Project 41 6944 December 23, 2011
by pcbolt
"DIP switch" project (basic nerdkit) 6 4513 December 22, 2011
by glendon
Serial Read in Labview 12 6223 December 21, 2011
by frsp5
Anybody Using NetBeans IDE for NerdKits Code? 6 4141 December 21, 2011
by hevans
Tip for passing a register into a function by reference. 1 3482 December 19, 2011
by Striker
Corrupted Data 2 4036 December 13, 2011
by hevans
Digital clock code 2 3801 December 12, 2011
by Rick_S
Detecting high/ low pins 11 11971 December 11, 2011
by missle3944
First time compilation: Error message... Found programmer: Id = "Huh? Go"; type = ' 4 5527 December 10, 2011
by missle3944
Car Display Project - Wirelessly transmit data to a Scrolling Message Display Board using ARDUINO 6 5029 December 07, 2011
by saleem
Best Accurate Slow RPM Timing from 8-bit Clock? 2 3954 December 07, 2011
by huzbum
Music with the MCU?? 12 5417 December 05, 2011
by 2electrified
LED array scroll function 38 11672 December 04, 2011
by Rick_S
Using Fedora Linux 16 9 3900 December 04, 2011
by pfullen
Using Vim - installing C script 4 3885 December 04, 2011
by pfullen
How to program your nerd kits using a mac for beginners 6 3938 December 02, 2011
by bluestang
First Program initilload 11 3775 December 01, 2011
by havok310
New to C and Microprocessors - Resistance help 3 3770 November 29, 2011
by huzbum
ATmega168 variations and ISP Programmer 1 4268 November 23, 2011
by ankush_karche
How to convert serial data from uart_read() to const char* 1 3619 November 22, 2011
by saleem
Turning a light on and off via serial connection 7 4141 November 22, 2011
by Rick_S
LCD and custom display 3 3596 November 20, 2011
by missle3944
LCD Custom Characters Help 6 5250 November 19, 2011
by BStory
how do you modify a makefile please help ASAP! 5 4028 November 16, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Initialload -upload error 258 5 3570 November 11, 2011
by BNS
Modbus Master 1 4136 November 10, 2011
by doughowlett
TEXT output via serial / com 18 3986 November 10, 2011
by bl00513
Display problem when I upgrade to 328 MCU 22 4314 November 09, 2011
by devinsbusiness
Running 2 program in same time... subroutine 5 4178 November 09, 2011
by Molek
lcd streams - Can a 'stream be defined that has a scope across the entire program? 3 3321 November 09, 2011
by JimFrederickson
Reading a simple digital input 22 12524 November 07, 2011
by hevans
initialload.c and Servo Squitter 3 3432 November 07, 2011
by Heed
Array creation and access 4 3365 November 07, 2011
by JimFrederickson
Huffman coding 2 3838 November 04, 2011
by BobaMosfet
Can't print to the PC screen using PuTTY 4 4924 November 03, 2011
by hevans
Eyeboard, a new approach 1 4027 November 03, 2011
by lcruz007
TWI hang up 4 4264 November 01, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Problems with LED Array Display 3 3761 October 30, 2011
by claesz
Microsoft Robotics Development Studio 4 2 3697 October 28, 2011
by hevans
Complete one button menu system 3 7388 October 18, 2011
by claesz
Multidimentional string arrays - stuck 7 4417 October 17, 2011
by claesz
ADC help 3 3324 October 15, 2011
by sonicgadgets
String manipulation 6 4652 October 13, 2011
by claesz
Basic Makefile Help 4 3469 October 06, 2011
by Mindale
LED 8x8 Matrix help 5 8106 October 06, 2011
by Rick_S
Led Blink 3 4044 October 05, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Trouble upgrading 14 4087 October 03, 2011
by hevans
Games to learn programming 4 5611 September 23, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Master Slave communications 4 4265 September 13, 2011
by bretm
I2C via interrupts define addresses for the Mega 168 3 3654 September 12, 2011
by Rick_S
Bitwise Operations( Binary representation of a floating pin) 12 4431 September 11, 2011
by dgikuljot
MCU Configuration 12 3612 September 08, 2011
by BobaMosfet
Varying voltages 10 3764 September 07, 2011
by bretm
Interpret statement 5 3637 September 03, 2011
by egero1
Temp spi help 3 3363 September 01, 2011
by missle3944
LCD horizontal scrolling 10 5515 August 31, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Reading from Multiple ADC sources. 5 3516 August 24, 2011
by Twarter369
I am about ready to give up on using WinAVR. 15 4415 August 23, 2011
by hevans
Trying to uncomplicate my head, Building an EEPROM, Shift Register, Display Schema 12 4500 August 21, 2011
by BobaMosfet
xylophone program 1 3668 August 20, 2011
by quickpenn
Making an exact copy of a signal 6 3699 August 18, 2011
by BobaMosfet
Meat thermometer project Live Graph to Display Points over a Larger time period 7 3986 August 18, 2011
by kemil
bootloader - AVR109_Noter 4 5043 August 17, 2011
by missle3944
4 Shift Registers in Daisy Chain with Atmega168 for RGB PWM 29 10578 August 16, 2011
by Ralphxyz
sending data over serial port at given time intervals 4 3670 August 10, 2011
by bretm
I made a new language for programming the Atmega 18 5144 August 08, 2011
by bretm
Noise Noise Noise 3 4453 August 04, 2011
by hariharan
Accessing PB1 - 5 2 3356 August 04, 2011
by Robotnik
using avr to signal condition fredericks electrolytic inclinometer. 4 3778 August 03, 2011
by cujofever
Loading the "Bootloader" 36 6487 August 03, 2011
by kayrock
EEPROM confusion 13 5204 July 29, 2011
by Noter
1value error 21 4534 July 26, 2011
by jasongillikin
2 Dimensional Arrays 2 3649 July 24, 2011
by Noter
External Crystal Clock with Atmega168 PWM 3 4370 July 21, 2011
by lavared
Finding the length of a string for LCD updating 13 3733 July 21, 2011
by carlhako
Populating an Array 22 5038 July 20, 2011
by Ralphxyz
uint8_t array problems 5 4149 July 20, 2011
by Tug
sprintf won't convert to a float. 29 7051 July 19, 2011
by BobaMosfet
Make header file 10 6253 July 19, 2011
by Ralphxyz
pwm for dac 58 9238 July 18, 2011
by kayrock
Random Number 2 3456 July 18, 2011
by Robotnik
Interupts with a button 3 3212 July 16, 2011
by Noter
need help with my code 3 3585 July 13, 2011
by bhovik
Weird OSX compiling problem 2 3410 July 13, 2011
by gcharris
C++ 8 6106 July 13, 2011
by BobaMosfet
Need help with PRINTF SCANF tutorial on MAC 3 3594 July 10, 2011
by bhovik
Where can I find a cheap ISP Programmer? 7 3877 July 08, 2011
by gcharris
Realtime clock interrupt fire one per second 13 5148 July 08, 2011
by Rick_S
Making a programmer 7 3744 July 05, 2011
by Noter
RGB PWM. Cannot get led to completely turn off. 3 5265 July 04, 2011
by uml_12
Aurdino Code to basic C 1 4123 July 02, 2011
by uml_12
Coverting Arduino code to the Nerdkit 3 5501 July 01, 2011
by raildoc
LCD turns off when a LED turns on 7 3669 June 27, 2011
by Rick_S
Time.h 3 4084 June 23, 2011
by JamesR
Pygame (no rect object) 5 4098 June 22, 2011
by missle3944
Question: How to stabilize output in terminal window? 4 3646 June 22, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Error in Code 2 3081 June 21, 2011
by Rick_S
Is there an "If" statement that can tell if a microcontroller pin is connected to +5 volts? 6 3575 June 21, 2011
by lnino
Responding to a Button with Polling 7 3874 June 19, 2011
by wvtsa
Optimization and Outgrowth 33 5133 June 15, 2011
by delinthe
Is it possible to use PB0 as output? 3 3336 June 13, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Making Music with ATmega 168 1 3788 June 13, 2011
by JoyceChee
Nerdkit 22 4833 June 11, 2011
by HJA
Button ipod help 5 3166 June 09, 2011
by Rick_S
9 bit fast PWM, OCR1A 2 3650 June 09, 2011
by kayrock
PORTD|=_BV(1); 4 4577 June 06, 2011
by Snoogie2563
I can write to my MCU but it won't work 7 3639 June 03, 2011
by BobaMosfet
Stepper motor code question 1 3995 May 31, 2011
by missle3944
Problem with using Math.h atan2(Y, X) 2 4758 May 29, 2011
by Ralphxyz
questions about setting bits 11 6448 May 26, 2011
by 6ofhalfdozen
Digital Engine Tach 31 8683 May 26, 2011
by huzbum
Question About Interrupts 4 3745 May 25, 2011
by huzbum
RPM to MPH 12 5577 May 25, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Why custom delay functions? 8 5482 May 23, 2011
by bretm
Add on/off fucntion to pwm port 17 3909 May 23, 2011
by kemil
Help understanding math portion of code (Sound Meter) 6 3781 May 22, 2011
by hevans
ATTiny10 and the USB programmer from Nerdkits.. 9 5071 May 22, 2011
by auto_turret
Speed up the Nerdkit 19 4438 May 20, 2011
by Ralphxyz
UART interrupt issues 6 4979 May 20, 2011
by gcharris
Reading a high or low value from voltage 3 3701 May 20, 2011
by thatguy
I want simple source code for communicating with POSI Shift Register. 3 3656 May 19, 2011
by rboggs10
Avrdude -U Flag and File Formats 3 4838 May 19, 2011
by Mindale
Pins 1, 2 and 14. Can they be programmed? 23 3895 May 17, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Writing to Hyperterminal 3 8075 May 17, 2011
by amartinez
PSTR error? 5 3605 May 17, 2011
by hevans
Photoresistor to ADC 15 4538 May 16, 2011
by Twarter369
How can I play an LFO on a square wave. 3 3412 May 14, 2011
by rboggs10
Storing data on a flash drive 6 4542 May 14, 2011
by bretm
Help with some code? 4 3514 May 14, 2011
by SpaceGhost
Will someone please explain PWM to me in detail? 4 3992 May 14, 2011
by rboggs10
Increasing and decreasing power from a pin 5 3551 May 13, 2011
by bretm
Python first try comments please 18 4670 May 12, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Control Servo with Button 13 5423 May 12, 2011
by Noter
Problem loading a program to microcontroller 5 3894 May 11, 2011
by drummingbum
Jumpy ADC tempsensor 59 9802 May 09, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Python Help 23 6463 May 09, 2011
by kemil
Purchased MCU does not work? 7 5563 May 08, 2011
by paulwszew
Compiling error codes 10 3535 May 06, 2011
by Cliffxxx
LED Array Programming Help Needed 2 3748 May 05, 2011
by hevans
upgrade! 1 3664 May 04, 2011
SPI communication code 11 4985 May 03, 2011
by Hexorg
Strange Text Blinking help 4 3259 April 25, 2011
by missle3944
3-Axis Accelerometer Project with Hitachi H48C 4 5247 April 24, 2011
by xodin
Programming in JAVA 8 16025 April 21, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Function help 5 3851 April 21, 2011
by missle3944
Hexadecimal Code Switch - How to 1 3966 April 21, 2011
by lnino
Interesting code structure. 21 5048 April 20, 2011
by Noter
LED Array with Max7219 Programming Clarification ? 4 5568 April 20, 2011
by uml_12
SPI transfer delay 3 3832 April 18, 2011
by Hexorg
multiple bits sequentially on single pin 24 4196 April 18, 2011
by Noter
Implementation of printf(...) function 2 3840 April 17, 2011
by bretm
fdevopen vs. FDEV_SETUP_STREAM 1 5349 April 17, 2011
by caballeroroberto
avrdude just stopped working 5 4245 April 16, 2011
by kayrock
Programming with serial port 6 4535 April 14, 2011
by carlhako
UART 2 3755 April 14, 2011
by Rick_S
Programmers Notepad 4 4530 April 13, 2011
by tdvdbtylr
Increasing MCU Clock Speed 3 3615 April 12, 2011
by bretm
Nerdkits library 9 3856 April 10, 2011
by hariharan
Playing different music with the MCU 7 22877 April 07, 2011
by bretm
How to store a variable to flash memory? 7 4795 April 07, 2011
by leedawg
timer/counter modules interrupts 2 4858 April 07, 2011
by Noter
Serial setup for wireless transmission 14 6721 April 06, 2011
by Schrat
Memory organization 8 3947 April 06, 2011
by Noter
LED array 2 3644 April 06, 2011
by hevans
compiling a .c file 8 4393 April 06, 2011
by Noter
Is PORTD.0 and PORTD.1 (RX & TX) available for use with the nerdkits 168 ? 4 4081 April 06, 2011
by popwarsweet
Interrupt driven USART comms, problem when passing received char 6 3796 April 05, 2011
by bretm
led array code 7 4008 April 02, 2011
by newbie
Programming atmega168 with avrisp mk2 6 5755 April 02, 2011
by kkanodia
Frequency 20 4470 April 02, 2011
by hariharan
Question in Making music with MCU project 5 3805 April 02, 2011
by hariharan
Help with code 3 3484 April 01, 2011
by SpaceGhost
LCD - and programming questions 10 4389 March 31, 2011
by lnino
Connect a different LCD 12 4146 March 31, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Playing multiple notes with piezo element 4 5016 March 30, 2011
by bretm
Writing software using eye movements 2 3445 March 29, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Turn on LED with Button won't work 18 5245 March 29, 2011
by lnino
Interrupts 18 5327 March 28, 2011
by hariharan
OR gate? 14 4299 March 27, 2011
by esoderberg
Analog Output 2 3487 March 26, 2011
by Ralphxyz
For command 8 3603 March 26, 2011
by Ralphxyz
LED Marquee with Atmega328 3 4178 March 25, 2011
by hevans
ADMUX 52 6328 March 25, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Attiny10 7 6477 March 25, 2011
by Rick_S
Java Help 2 3772 March 24, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Help with ADC 3 3355 March 23, 2011
by bretm
help needed with uart code 4 4189 March 19, 2011
by plinko
Uart 2 3579 March 19, 2011
by missle3944
How to make a "Make File" 3 4695 March 17, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Procyon AVRlib 4 6189 March 16, 2011
by Ralphxyz
HCI with Electrooculography 5 4553 March 14, 2011
by lcruz007
Python script collapsing after a while 7 5840 March 11, 2011
by missle3944
Hacking an old school led display 11 7692 March 10, 2011
by Noter
Setting Pin Low 2 3548 March 09, 2011
by esoderberg
Compliling first file Initialload ERROR 4 3649 March 06, 2011
by JHMTech1
Reading more than one Temp 7 4045 March 06, 2011
by billwis
Function Prototypes 4 3428 March 04, 2011
by Rick_S
Debugger 3 3652 March 03, 2011
by Ralphxyz
How do/can you store boolean values in registers? 7 5443 March 02, 2011
by bretm
Registers????? 14 4082 March 01, 2011
by dgikuljot
Parsing a string in a function 6 3712 February 27, 2011
by MichaelJE2
Basic C Programming 13 5906 February 25, 2011
by Pithikos
Receiving the Temp Sensor Input via Serial 5 3893 February 23, 2011
by Twarter369
Reading Serial Data into the ATMega 168 10 5258 February 23, 2011
by Wads
Programming Capabilities 7 3665 February 23, 2011
by Twarter369
RC car 6 4444 February 22, 2011
by derberp
How to play user entered sound? 9 3940 February 21, 2011
by missle3944
Changing Message with Temperature and a Scrolling Message 3 3436 February 21, 2011
by hevans
Compiling the bootloader 17 4988 February 20, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Help with PWM 2 4662 February 20, 2011
by hevans
ADCRA 4 3693 February 20, 2011
by hevans
Adding a delay to an PWM controlled LED 10 5030 February 20, 2011
by hevans
Accelerometer project 12 8521 February 20, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Microcontroller Initialload please 2 3405 February 16, 2011
by CounterLogicEngineers
Sample C++ Project 2 4554 February 13, 2011
by fubar769
Servo code execution 1 3602 February 11, 2011
by missle3944
New chip programming 2 4398 February 08, 2011
by cn1ght
Reading from the serial port using python? 2 5305 February 07, 2011
by hevans
Compiling 3 3552 February 06, 2011
by Jalex
Generating Polyphony with Square Waves 2 4228 February 05, 2011
by mongo
Checking a Pins Status 3 3872 February 04, 2011
by Twarter369
help w/ a problem reading the program 2 3547 February 04, 2011
by CCP
C Code to Interact with the Controller 3 3701 February 03, 2011
by kvjohnso
can a function be used in an isr? 2 5232 February 03, 2011
by hevans
How could I delay in microseconds instead of milliseconds? 4 3608 February 01, 2011
by rboggs10
recalling program from microcontroller 2 3284 February 01, 2011
by Rick_S
ADC HELP!!! 16 6055 January 31, 2011
by jasongillikin
Problem Uploading program to microcontroller 3 3782 January 31, 2011
by rboggs10
My first .h file usage 3 4806 January 31, 2011
by Ralphxyz
counting 4 3386 January 28, 2011
by Jalex
atmega328P's ADC 2 5007 January 27, 2011
by hevans
how do we use timer1 input capture? (ICP1) on PB0? help? 10 26107 January 27, 2011
by huzbum
bootloader for ATtiny13 4 6553 January 26, 2011
by hevans
Programming an Atmega16L with AVRMacPack (AVRCrossPack) 3 4067 January 25, 2011
by popwarsweet
Confused again 2 3445 January 24, 2011
by Rick_S
Code for Momentary Switch to stay on or off 8 6364 January 23, 2011
by SpaceGhost
Trouble programming microcontroller! 2 3628 January 23, 2011
by Rick_S
Trouble programming the microcontroller 2 3985 January 23, 2011
by Rick_S
Loading issues 4 3528 January 22, 2011
by Shabigity
printf dip arithmetic 3 3831 January 21, 2011
by bretm
ATMega328p Nerdkit programming 8 4354 January 20, 2011
by mrobbins
compiler error: relocaction truncated to fit: R_AVR_13_PCREL 3 6592 January 19, 2011
by mickdoe
Anybody using Programmer's Notepad? 9 4957 January 16, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Setting register bits back to 0 4 4228 January 15, 2011
by carlhako
Sending data over PS/2 connection 3 3923 January 15, 2011
by wanderingjew
MCU specific C programming 4 4142 January 15, 2011
by Hexorg
Math Problem 1 3789 January 15, 2011
by Jalex
Coding question 2 3433 January 13, 2011
by bretm
Flashing foodloader onto a blank 168-PU 6 4422 January 13, 2011
by n3ueaEMTP
A simpler Nerdkits Sound Meter 3 4017 January 13, 2011
by Icyhot
programming ladder logic 7 16226 January 11, 2011
by tomroth
lcd.c bitwise operations 2 3817 January 10, 2011
by bretm
initialload.c opens in visual basic instead of programmers notepad 6 4300 January 08, 2011
by mrkvickasteve
How could i use the potentiometer included in the nerdkit to control the frequency of a square wave? 6 4392 January 07, 2011
by Ralphxyz
SCK outside of SPI 5 4666 January 06, 2011
by weijiajun
USB Programming questoin NK03USB manual 5 3533 January 04, 2011
by Steven
N00B memory allocation questions 4 3836 January 04, 2011
by Sciencenerd
SD card protocol 3 6668 January 02, 2011
by Hexorg
Tempsensor w/scrolling message - kind of works 19 4047 January 02, 2011
by SpaceGhost
Problems understanding input buttons 13 4384 January 02, 2011
by archee
How could I send keyboard events to my computer with my NerdKit? 5 4086 January 01, 2011
by hevans
Just built a 7 segment interface 7 5055 December 30, 2010
by lefam
Pot as Input for ADC to control PWM 8 5074 December 28, 2010
by Ralphxyz
if statements... 12 5308 December 28, 2010
by Hexorg
Temperature controlled fan using PWM 4 5665 December 22, 2010
by VictorsNerdery
Math Check Please 5 3530 December 22, 2010
by Keyster
Wrong results on Screen (Using arrays): NaN 13 4411 December 22, 2010
by Icyhot
Question Regarding Registers 5 3643 December 16, 2010
by hevans
JTAG programming 2 4139 December 14, 2010
by Cheery
Newbie needs help with first attempt at flashing.... 5 3618 December 11, 2010
by mbobak
knight rider LED animation 21 10660 December 09, 2010
by exussum
using the Analog-to-Digital converter 3 3573 December 06, 2010
by lcruz007
Error during make 2 3481 December 06, 2010
by bretm
trying to understand MAKE 6 3595 December 05, 2010
by Gregg
Implementing a standard USB device interface 9 4651 December 04, 2010
by d3adl0ck3
Trouble with uart 4 3587 December 01, 2010
by hevans
using different crystals 4 3643 November 28, 2010
by Rick_S
Programming via ICSP with SPI set as master 8 4463 November 25, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Writing Data to File 2 3941 November 21, 2010
by Ralphxyz
HAVING A NOT PROBLEM 6 3829 November 18, 2010
by hevans
Fourier transform 3 4965 November 14, 2010
by Hexorg
How do I read what the bit is set to and the write it to the screen? 3 3720 November 11, 2010
by bretm
Quick bootloader question 4 3687 November 10, 2010
by bingohighway
Please help me understand why this code works sometimes 6 4020 November 08, 2010
by gusr205
Doing Integrals in C code 5 10612 November 07, 2010
by hevans
Duty cycle 3 3685 November 06, 2010
by LindaEC
Checking which pin sent an interrupt 12 4102 November 05, 2010
by bretm
I2C Nerdkit Library 14 6200 October 30, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Malloc Issues 6 4439 October 30, 2010
by kle8309
Smooth servo movement. 10 5787 October 27, 2010
by esoderberg
or operator 2 3577 October 25, 2010
by hevans
Tech-O-Meter 5 3688 October 25, 2010
by Earnhardt
Needed : Shift Register Sample Code with LED Array 6 5972 October 25, 2010
by Rick_S
Temperature sensor 10 5143 October 24, 2010
by Rick_S
Multiple blinking LEDs 3 3751 October 23, 2010
by mmw1
how does avr memory work? 2 4620 October 19, 2010
by hevans
DAPA Upload Problem 10 4462 October 18, 2010
by brockmjp
Reading Resistance 4 4016 October 17, 2010
by LindaEC
avrisp mkii trouble 21 6600 October 16, 2010
by Rick_S
SDL game interacting with the real world 2 4015 October 10, 2010
by hevans
Setting FUSES? 5 5010 October 10, 2010
by Ralphxyz
ADC6 and ADC7 on ATmega328p 4 6819 October 04, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Upgrade from the ATmega168? 11 4329 October 03, 2010
by mrobbins
Multi-Panel LED Array with SPI 8 4157 September 24, 2010
by ermias
Using concise fractions to save time and memory in microprocessor applications 10 4274 September 21, 2010
by bretm
MCU Programming Error 2 3488 September 20, 2010
by Rick_S
Shift Registers for LED Array Kits 2 3841 September 17, 2010
by Rick_S
MAKEFILE and Problem with String Variables 5 3714 September 16, 2010
by bretm
Knight rider-ish code, with a few questions 7 5734 September 16, 2010
by rdalton
Linux Compiled code doesn't work, Windows does 3 3960 September 15, 2010
by bpenglase
Mac problems with programming 7 4293 September 14, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Unable to use NerdKits lcd.h file in AVRStudio 7 5875 September 12, 2010
by msjones28021
make 1 or 2 pins function as a switch without a relay 6 3843 September 07, 2010
by hevans
Initial programming 15 3878 September 04, 2010
by Rick_S
LED all at once 4 3695 August 31, 2010
by hapshetsut
AVR Studio / CScope 7 4154 August 26, 2010
by Rick_S
IR reciever/transmitter 2 3887 August 26, 2010
by bretm
alternative programming language 4 5436 August 25, 2010
by awesome
Listen for serial input 4 4239 August 24, 2010
by mrobbins
data transmission using digital i/o 1 3871 August 23, 2010
by sharadgupta7
ATmega128RFA1 AVR ZigBee combination 1 5261 August 21, 2010
by Ralphxyz
tempsensor 4 3690 August 20, 2010
by LindaEC
Music Tutorial For AtMega168L 6 5202 August 18, 2010
by NICwHi
Bluetooth for the scrolling LED project 9 6341 August 18, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Help with the LED Marquee 30 5930 August 16, 2010
by ironcladmvtm
Compile 4 3940 August 16, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Change text 6 3528 August 10, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Data logging using SD card 9 11968 August 09, 2010
by Ralphxyz
reed switch/interrupts 4 4752 August 07, 2010
by mongo
Getting started with 328P mcu (makefile setting using winavr) 7 4920 August 07, 2010
by kle8309
Other LCDs? 2 3631 August 06, 2010
by Rick_S
Not working 21 5538 August 06, 2010
by Razvan
Generating random numbers in C. 2 4614 August 05, 2010
by bretm
Is the food loader altered for a 328p? 16 4574 August 04, 2010
by gnkarn
My MAKE article 2 4252 August 04, 2010
by Rick_S
COM port assignment with Vista 6 4672 July 31, 2010
by sbrod
Multiple ADC ports 9 4801 July 31, 2010
by norby31
what do these errors mean? 11 3820 July 28, 2010
by Rick_S
Programming Digital Potentiometers with the ATMega 168 37 9678 July 28, 2010
by hevans
Saving variables 2 3798 July 27, 2010
by bretm
Printing today date on LCD 5 3806 July 27, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Sending a string 6 4321 July 26, 2010
by ioScream
LED Scrolling display 1 3993 July 25, 2010
by ermias
error help 3 4199 July 24, 2010
by cinta51
Need a JumpStart 8 3834 July 23, 2010
by ioScream
Replacing the MCU - Initialising the bootloader 1 4802 July 20, 2010
by pjack
Content mismatch - verification error 6 4803 July 20, 2010
by pjack
Reading battery voltage using ADC 15 16998 July 20, 2010
by lsoltmann
LCD sequence question 2 3382 July 15, 2010
by hevans
Python script to drive an LED from the PC 3 4020 July 12, 2010
by lcruz007
Infrared Remote control with Nerdkit 3 7718 July 12, 2010
by lcruz007
ADC with input at ground 6 4523 July 11, 2010
by Ralphxyz
command line windows... NEED HELP! 9 4112 July 09, 2010
by Quinnifir
Bootloader being overwritten 3 4489 July 08, 2010
by blinky
First 3 letters of my LCD are blank.. 4 3849 July 06, 2010
by spacecase26
Measuring time between 2 triggers. 3 4393 July 02, 2010
by hevans
How to obtain a high frequency generator AND a high resolution with the timers? 4 3993 June 29, 2010
by bretm
Saving text to EEPROM 2 4981 June 21, 2010
by hevans
#define BUT_UP PORTB5 3 4128 June 16, 2010
by n3ueaEMTP
Running the 2nd clock 6 3840 June 14, 2010
by banerjen
Quick question for those fluent in C 7 3829 June 13, 2010
by BobaMosfet
Programming Language Reference 6 3749 June 12, 2010
by Jer
Foodloader help 5 4134 June 11, 2010
by n3ueaEMTP
Best AVR programmer 1 4104 June 11, 2010
by treymd
tempsensor project 8 3579 June 10, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Trouble with the log10 function 12 4107 June 03, 2010
by Rufusthedog
Arrays for calculus and manipulation 7 3541 May 20, 2010
by Frozenlock
Pulse Width Modulation on the ATMega168 11 7012 May 14, 2010
by Malicious
Weird behavior: Skipping loop or being stuck in it - Software or hardware? 5 3715 May 13, 2010
by wayward
ISP programming error 8 11639 May 13, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Understanding Interrupts 5 4186 May 11, 2010
by avicell
Maximum PWM frequency? 4 4034 May 11, 2010
by hevans
Where is the NerdKit's button hooked up on the breadboard? 4 3612 May 11, 2010
by hevans
Can the existing program be read from the microcontroller chip 3 3766 May 09, 2010
by Iflyatwin
need help with bit shift in Temperature Sensor project 8 4274 May 06, 2010
by hevans
Cant find any of the files, HELP! 2 3413 May 03, 2010
by hevans
Input adc read 0-900 equals pwm output 900-4500. 2 3859 May 03, 2010
by met_fredrik
Easy PWM tutorial 3 4936 May 03, 2010
by met_fredrik
IR LED and IR Rx code for Laser combat game 11 4790 May 01, 2010
by Solorbob
UART programming (PC side) 4 4328 May 01, 2010
by Hexorg
Assemble resistor notation 4 3519 May 01, 2010
by Ralphxyz
coding pushbuttons 9 4272 April 30, 2010
by bretm
Using PCINT4 5 4454 April 22, 2010
by bretm
Using Shift Registers? 2 4656 April 18, 2010
by wayward
on flash FILE i/o 6 3902 April 18, 2010
by treymd
unsigned int will not return 16 bit int 6 3589 April 13, 2010
by sask55
AVR Arrays? 2 5542 April 12, 2010
by hevans
DDRC =| (1<<PC4) meaning 7 10197 April 12, 2010
by bretm
ATTiny45 UART or similar? 1 5026 April 11, 2010
by JackScumm
My new game for my EES 7 4306 April 10, 2010
by Hexorg
Silly Coding Question 10 4054 April 09, 2010
by BobaMosfet
Vertical Scrolling 4 4696 April 08, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Boot loader Questions 6 4624 April 08, 2010
by CyberGod
Signalyzer and Windows. 2 3770 April 06, 2010
by Farmerjoecoledge
Serial port config (unix) 3 3987 April 06, 2010
by Hexorg
Trouble Controling each LED in a multi-panel LED array project from the PC 7 4706 April 04, 2010
by brockmjp
Musical keyboard with the NerdKits. 1 3739 April 02, 2010
by lcruz007
PWM and LEDs 3 4466 April 02, 2010
by ruipinheiro
My hackaday feature! :o 3 3771 March 28, 2010
by Solorbob
Tracking how long a pin is low in Microseconds 7 4341 March 27, 2010
by bretm
Modifing C code without knowing C 3 3783 March 25, 2010
by Chaosrider
Writing the C code for another LCD, the EADOGM 26 8717 March 24, 2010
by Frozenlock
Python code to create LED font 1 4391 March 23, 2010
by isdale
Simple "Hello World" Using UART 6 5982 March 21, 2010
by brian
Eclipse AVR plugin help 5 4122 March 18, 2010
by fatmarik
Help with programing plese 4 3705 March 17, 2010
by n3ueaEMTP
Issue with PC6/PD0 - cannot set for output 16 4987 March 17, 2010
by Rick_S
POST (power on self test) 2 3953 March 12, 2010
by treymd
Easy PWM tutorial 2 3833 March 09, 2010
by met_fredrik
Easy PWM tutorial 2 4269 March 09, 2010
by met_fredrik
My project at my local newspaper 3 4199 March 07, 2010
by lcruz007
asm macro error 2 3716 March 05, 2010
by BobaMosfet
fprintf_P not working properly in AVRStudio 4.18 6 3860 March 05, 2010
by xc2rx
ACD sample rate 4 4728 March 05, 2010
by norby31
Trouble finding "make file" in dir. dos window 26 4931 March 03, 2010
by hevans
Programming in C to control a Submarine... 1 3712 March 03, 2010
by Malicious
ATmega328P Upgrade 3 3914 March 03, 2010
by Lazerman
Error when trying to load program into LED ARRAY 3 3525 March 03, 2010
by Rick_S
Video game system with mono sound using the NerdKits 11 4503 March 02, 2010
by lcruz007
Easy Random Numbers 3 4821 March 01, 2010
by hevans
float to int? 5 3895 February 27, 2010
by Hexorg
An interesting beep 1 3999 February 26, 2010
by bretm
Bucket Brigade 3 3742 February 24, 2010
by hevans
Programming with the Atmel AVRISP MKII 11 10998 February 20, 2010
by treymd
Skateboard project, new to programming. 9 4884 February 20, 2010
by SkateboardTeam
multi_panel_array_spi 4 3626 February 15, 2010
by ton_mit
Bootloader install 6 5314 February 15, 2010
by Phrank916
Caller ID / Programming a basic modem? 1 4906 February 14, 2010
by ajfd
Having problem in using PIN as an I/P 13 3861 February 13, 2010
by banerjen
clearing data in serail buffer 5 7420 February 11, 2010
by sask55
microseconds realtimeclock 3 4021 February 09, 2010
by lcruz007
Programming for realtime clock/ tempsensor 4 3983 February 08, 2010
by mrobbins
time structure check 12 3874 February 07, 2010
by wayward
ISP Question 10 4168 February 06, 2010
by Phrank916
Can't upload to m328p 4 4301 February 06, 2010
by sask55
Check out my new project! 5 4262 February 04, 2010
by lcruz007
Led Marquee and extra switches 1 3870 February 02, 2010
by saleem
Convert uint8_t to char 3 14377 February 01, 2010
by saleem
Need Accelerometer... 8 4129 February 01, 2010
by pbfy0
Setting pins to fire interrupts 3 3679 January 31, 2010
by mrobbins
Usb Nk003 and Kubuntu 9 3733 January 31, 2010
by Farmerjoecoledge
I replaced the Micro with a ATMEGA168P-20PU--->ISSUES?!?! 9 5113 January 29, 2010
by Rick_S
what the heck does << mean? 4 4163 January 29, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Clocking another IC 3 3472 January 27, 2010
by mrobbins
Twisted pair 11 4291 January 26, 2010
by mongo
Python Majic 3 4803 January 22, 2010
by Farmerjoecoledge
Led Marquee triggered by a button question 2 3773 January 22, 2010
by hevans
Trouble in sending information in UART 3 4032 January 20, 2010
by banerjen
Upgrade to Atmega328p 11 5002 January 20, 2010
by ton_mit
Simple Controlling Devices With PC 24 9486 January 20, 2010
by saleem
Help needed on counting program 5 4197 January 19, 2010
by pbfy0
/dev/ttyUSB0 "should work"--but doesnt! Help :) 3 5217 January 19, 2010
by treymd
Python creates it's own errors! 17 3818 January 19, 2010
by Farmerjoecoledge
Solar Panel Measurer Program 2 3807 January 18, 2010
by mongo
Compiling new code 10 4209 January 16, 2010
by N3Roaster
Make error 17 4542 January 16, 2010
by Eb547
ISP and micro madness. 12 3950 January 14, 2010
by Rick_S
Code question: Setting bits/pins high or low 4 3801 January 14, 2010
by Solorbob
I cannot get the Code to load/ Any Help?? 12 3785 January 14, 2010
by Rick_S
Book suggestions? 3 3773 January 11, 2010
by jastermerrel
Tried adding led's to Temperature sensor project but now it reads hot with led's in place 6 4032 January 11, 2010
by ecornwell
Total C virgin Newbie 4 4056 January 08, 2010
by mrobbins
AVR w/ Zigbee or Bluetooth 2 5527 January 05, 2010
by hevans
Newbie needs help !!!!! 3 3943 January 03, 2010
by Evo803
Programming 'error' but programs load & run 5 4069 December 31, 2009
by hevans
Understanding Array Code 9 4158 December 30, 2009
by Electromech
Temperature Project Code explaination 3 3720 December 30, 2009
by markjbenson
Pin change interrupt 2 4334 December 28, 2009
by hevans
how to write a simple button push interrupt with debounding 2 5153 December 28, 2009
by hevans
initialload make error - possible avr-gcc installation problem 2 4155 December 27, 2009
by hevans
Simple LED Light Chaser Souce Code In C 12 17521 December 27, 2009
by jastermerrel
Makefile foodloader 34 6175 December 27, 2009
by Farmerjoecoledge
Delphi COM Streaming 3 6254 December 25, 2009
by Aceslick911
High voltage signal timer 3 3694 December 23, 2009
by lcruz007
Compiler. besides the gcc? 56 6170 December 22, 2009
by Rick_S
Managing data tables 12 4207 December 21, 2009
external interrupt 1 3662 December 21, 2009
by saleem
Weather Station 1 4503 December 19, 2009
by mrediske
Clock time / keyboard / LED Marquee combined 2 5555 December 14, 2009
by hevans
from ivonv's post 8 4613 December 08, 2009
by pbfy0
LED array do_scrolling_display() with more comments 4 3802 December 07, 2009
by Rick_S
delay.c issues with the 328p 5 4979 December 07, 2009
by mrobbins
Tempsensor Variation Problem 43 5212 December 06, 2009
by pbfy0
Ideas for coding LED array streaming? 10 4576 December 05, 2009
by Haprog
Saving Data Collected by a Microcontroller 2 3688 December 04, 2009
by pbfy0
A few questions... 10 4680 November 29, 2009
by hevans
Help with code please 22 5654 November 29, 2009
by pbfy0
Programmers Wanted 1 4020 November 28, 2009
by Farmerjoecoledge
MCU fails during programming 5 3922 November 25, 2009
by n3ueaEMTP
Writing Big Numbers to the LCD 4 3937 November 24, 2009
by FWSquatch
Random Questions 10 4051 November 24, 2009
by n3ueaEMTP
Multiple A/D converters at the same time 4 4386 November 23, 2009
by BobaMosfet
Assembly Language & C ++ 6 6333 November 23, 2009
by BobaMosfet
C Programming basic question 3 3902 November 22, 2009
by FWSquatch
Looking for I2C tutorial/guide 4 6552 November 09, 2009
by jbremnant
LED Marquee acting weird 23 4980 November 02, 2009
by hevans
How-To: Sleep 11 6447 October 27, 2009
by mikedoug
I2C communications 3 3854 October 24, 2009
by mikedoug
[Help] Make file python listener and order of operations 22 7280 October 24, 2009
by Tug
Question on tempsensor - division operation x100? 3 3749 October 19, 2009
by puargs
Suggestions for LCD program space 13 4662 October 14, 2009
by mikedoug
Tug this is for you (only) 5 4133 October 14, 2009
by Farmerjoecoledge
Location to find bootloaders for ATmega series 9 4892 September 28, 2009
by rusirius
Connection to cell phones 7 4740 September 22, 2009
by rusirius
Very simple assembly problem 13 5850 September 21, 2009
by rusirius
Linux C editor recommendation 11 6301 September 19, 2009
by wayward
Using assembly on ATmega168 with Linux 2 5707 September 19, 2009
by mrobbins
can nerdkit produce variable voltages?? 7 4575 September 15, 2009
by rusirius
Using source code 10 4385 August 31, 2009
by mrobbins
Genesis - Simple MCU programming Library 3 4592 August 26, 2009
by Nerdful_com
Curious about Wireless 3 4116 August 26, 2009
by sgmaniac1255
Simple Foot Mouse Buttons (Use Switches To Click Events On PC) 3 7101 August 23, 2009
by Nerdful_com
Simple 'Dimming an LED example' 3 13768 August 19, 2009
by Nerdful_com
"connection refused" ledarray2 7 4531 August 19, 2009
by Farmerjoecoledge
Changing Uart Baud Rate 6 6084 August 15, 2009
by Starwarslegokid
python loop 21 5823 August 11, 2009
by Farmerjoecoledge
When PIN is high and when it is low 5 4792 August 11, 2009
by amco
"Fancy Pants" Batch File 3 4812 August 09, 2009
by shix
Simple Traffic Light Souce Code In C 4 18819 August 09, 2009
by Nerdful_com
Interesting Behavior with ATMega328 after loading Nerdkits Bootloader 2 7562 July 29, 2009
by mrobbins
Bootloader Kit 9 4879 July 29, 2009
by karlockhart
Boodloader and STK500, please help! 7 10527 July 22, 2009
by abenaki
Makefile won't "make" in command prompt 7 11214 July 16, 2009
by sgmaniac1255
Loading bootloader onto new microcontroller, a few questions. 1 3937 July 10, 2009
by karlockhart
Digital Write Question 14 4668 July 07, 2009
by Ethanal
AVR Studio for atmega168 2 6422 July 05, 2009
by BobaMosfet
Python for Led Marquee questions 1 4037 June 22, 2009
by Tug
debugging 4 4396 June 20, 2009
by wayward
Help with a state machine 3 5464 June 11, 2009
by n3ueaEMTP
Binary Clock 24 8039 June 03, 2009
by mcai8sh4
Loading A Bootloader 8 6079 May 31, 2009
by luisgarciaalanis
Reprogramming LCD pins 18 5360 May 26, 2009
by wayward
sprintf 4 6075 May 22, 2009
by wayward
testing the programmer 3 4030 May 16, 2009
by digiassn
initialload 3 4276 May 09, 2009
by tuxguy
Simple Communication with your computer 12 5184 May 06, 2009
by n3ueaEMTP
If Statement in a State Machine 10 4686 May 06, 2009
by wayward
AVR Bootloaders 3 4232 April 18, 2009
by wayward
Led Marquee question 14 4942 April 11, 2009
by mcai8sh4

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