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Everything Else

NerdKits » Forums » Everything Else (273 threads, 2049 posts)
Thread Posts Views Last Post
any body using the DS18B20 17 7068 August 26, 2019
by sask55
I get my BSEE in two and a half weeks! 7 4163 May 21, 2017
by lnino
added a Wattmeter to my mill 1 2587 March 28, 2017
by Ralphxyz
Webb site usage 38 4165 September 14, 2016
by Rick_S
Help!! 2 2830 September 09, 2016
by Ralphxyz
RIP Jim Kitson 6 3871 July 14, 2016
by lnino
Microchip buying Atmel 5 3071 February 25, 2016
by mongo
need assistance please 4 2931 January 25, 2016
by sask55
Merry Christmas 14 3225 December 27, 2015
by sask55
Other AVR forums or websites? 4 3136 October 02, 2015
by lnino
AVR Programming by Elliot Williams 3 3034 September 28, 2015
by RickMcKeon
USB Cable 7 3872 September 19, 2015
by jlaskowski
Anyone want to help me dream a project? 7 3017 September 16, 2015
by Ralphxyz
More question with somebody seeking a Masters Degree 10 3094 July 15, 2015
by jmuthe
Questions from someone seeking a Masters Degree 11 3295 May 04, 2015
by jmuthe
Where in the world is Humberto? 5 3330 March 29, 2015
by missle3944
When using Eagle to create board layouts what are good/cheap options for getting the boards made? 3 3678 March 27, 2015
by Rick_S
Programming Android Phone 17 3458 March 07, 2015
Need help on making Nerdkits function on Ubuntu/Linux 14 3639 January 28, 2015
by Noter
HAPPY NEW YEARS 11 5031 January 02, 2015
by Rick_S
Display Screen 3 3009 December 09, 2014
Anyone played with the Intel Edison? 4 2974 December 02, 2014
by Ralphxyz
PCB Design for Female Header with Weld Tabs 5 4919 July 03, 2014
by jlaskowski
I can't log-in to see the library on the mirror site. 4 3154 June 30, 2014
by sask55
OSX 10.8.5 Help 2 2996 June 25, 2014
by Rick_S
Need a header/free-haning connector for LCD 3 2937 June 21, 2014
by jlaskowski
Loss of certificate 7 3206 June 15, 2014
by mongo
PARTS & MORE-- 22 4689 April 17, 2014
Electronic component quality 6 3110 April 14, 2014
by sask55
My msater thesis 'SMART ROCK' using the nerdkit MCU 5 3597 April 04, 2014
Where is FTDI device? Windows 8.1 2 3050 March 19, 2014
by Rick_S
My latest 3D printer 1 3036 March 17, 2014
by Ralphxyz
Galileo 2 2884 February 07, 2014
by Rick_S
GE G35 Christmas Lights 5 3682 January 01, 2014
by Keyster
HAPPY NEW YEARS 2 2854 December 31, 2013
by Rick_S
Merry Christmas 7 3201 December 25, 2013
by mongo
This site is dying :/ 6 3646 December 14, 2013
by Ralphxyz
How can I learn more about microprocessors 10 3550 December 13, 2013
by Noter
Cheap USB to Serial TTL Converter! 2 3220 November 26, 2013
by Pew446
Hands Free Bluetooth Kit 3 2849 November 11, 2013
by dgikuljot
More GLCD questions... 10 5480 November 01, 2013
by esoderberg
Led Array Manual 8 3680 October 28, 2013
Basketball Scoreboard/Clock Project 26 11835 October 16, 2013
by BobaMosfet
Circuit Simulators... 2 4029 October 10, 2013
by Rick_S
Anyone know of anything good, or bad, about these guys? 4 3280 September 18, 2013
by JimFrederickson
Power Regulation/Conversion Efficiency and Switching Voltage Regulators... 15 3694 September 05, 2013
by BobaMosfet
Nerdkits Simulator 8 3790 September 03, 2013
by pcbolt
Battery Information... 6 3167 September 01, 2013
by JimFrederickson
prolific usb com port error 2 2980 August 24, 2013
by Noter
Using RealTerm 6 5647 August 08, 2013
by Ralphxyz
test 16 3567 July 14, 2013
by dvdsnyd
How would I sell a machine I create 4 3245 July 09, 2013
by scootergarrett
Copyright questions of hardware and software 1 2969 June 30, 2013
by jmuthe
Questions about winAVR 6 3529 June 25, 2013
by Q
Parts 3 3363 June 03, 2013
by rolf
Homemade development board 6 3695 June 01, 2013
by dvdsnyd
Personal sound Amplifier 4 3254 May 30, 2013
by dgikuljot
Extra Folder??? 3 2957 May 16, 2013
by JimFrederickson
Contact in case this forum disappears 3 3342 May 13, 2013
by JimFrederickson
The Hello Thread... 19 3532 May 01, 2013
by Blackwatch42nd
IT'S BACK!!!! 6 3268 April 28, 2013
by mongo
How do I avoid a $5 shipping on components that are less than a dollar? 4 3044 April 28, 2013
by Ralphxyz
C program to read and write raw data on SD card 27 40757 April 07, 2013
by scootergarrett
Connect iOS device usb cable directly to Microcontroller 10 4839 March 22, 2013
by Noter
interfacing with dc motors 2 3265 March 20, 2013
by Rick_S
LED Array PCB 8 5247 March 17, 2013
by esoderberg
Serial interface with basic C program 11 7810 March 16, 2013
by esoderberg
Look what I got! 21 4509 March 15, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Suggestions and ideas for Rick's Nerdkits Project board!! 134 10079 March 09, 2013
by Rick_S
Missing item in upgrade to atmega328p nano guide 4 3425 February 22, 2013
by Rick_S
ATmel AVRISP mkII ISP with ATmel Studio 6 on Windows 8 3 5735 February 20, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Anybody using Atmel Studio 6 and Windows 8? 23 4776 February 12, 2013
by Ralphxyz
New stuff I've been working on recently. 60 8037 February 09, 2013
by lnino
two black bars no matter switch position 35 4718 February 08, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Atmel software code?? 3 3289 February 02, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Atmel Toolchain?? 9 4686 January 27, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Codes Embedded in an Email... 5 3018 January 20, 2013
by JimFrederickson
Ok, this is getting aggravating but certainly is interesting!! 2 3176 January 12, 2013
by Noter
UART Cable Resources? 15 4125 January 09, 2013
by Noter
Best programming software for handling microcontroller interrupts and graphics? 10 4746 January 07, 2013
by scootergarrett
Lab Power Supply 30V 5amp 6 3865 January 05, 2013
by Noter
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 3 3462 January 02, 2013
by Rick_S
Error trying to upload the Initialload file. 3 3197 December 26, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Indianapolis Area Nerdkit peeps? 3 3602 December 25, 2012
by pcbolt
Array Guide 2 3158 December 16, 2012
by Rick_S
Where can I take lessons on programming? 3 3652 December 12, 2012
by sask55
Digital flow measurements? 6 3541 December 06, 2012
by mongo
Happy Thanksgiving!! 3 3036 November 24, 2012
by sask55
3D Printers and CNC milling?? 5 3773 November 14, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Yikes, it gets worse, Blew up the Voltage Regulator 10 3917 November 13, 2012
by Ralphxyz
East Coast Storm 6 3416 November 05, 2012
by JimFrederickson
Why do electronic technicians get paid so poorly? 10 38558 October 21, 2012
by mongo
I'm back...if you'll take me... 1 3255 October 20, 2012
by dvdsnyd
Adding RAM 5 6737 October 20, 2012
by Rick_S
The Smartbike: An open source virtual reality game 9 5027 October 08, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Advantages over Arduino? 18 8250 October 07, 2012
by bpenglase
Wow, I went to the New York City "MakerFaire" 1 3159 September 30, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Hey 4bits4e4 11 3923 September 05, 2012
by edb
Look at this programmer PCB I made :D 10 4465 August 24, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ok I have Ubuntu 12.04 now what do I do?? 29 8254 August 19, 2012
by killercow
Tayda has 14.7456 MHz crystals now. 3 3772 August 15, 2012
by pcbolt
LCD panel speed 2 3132 August 07, 2012
by pcbolt
Make Arduino Duemilanova run NerdKit C code. 17 7799 July 27, 2012
by raildoc
Any using Fritzing? 4 3514 July 23, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ok I have Ubuntu 12.04 now what do I do?? 1 3412 July 18, 2012
by Ralphxyz
LCD questions 7 3908 July 01, 2012
by Rick_S
RTOS 3 3676 June 22, 2012
by rais
New to this 4 3324 June 22, 2012
by narmi
How to get a more accurate temperature 10 4538 June 22, 2012
by HansRoaming
programming the microcontroller 2 3266 June 01, 2012
by pcbolt
Linux: /dev/ttyUSB0 permission denied 3 4421 May 30, 2012
by missle3944
Oops! 11 3951 May 19, 2012
by Pew446
usb arcade 3 3902 April 14, 2012
by pcbolt
PCB prototyping 54 9291 April 14, 2012
by dgikuljot
Acetone to clean PCB?? 2 7566 April 12, 2012
by mongo
What was CircuitLab coded with? 2 3534 April 04, 2012
by pcbolt
Starting from Scratch! 36 5253 March 31, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Custom Etching PCBs 7 3775 March 11, 2012
by Rick_S
ISP PCB 7 3988 March 08, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Atmel Studio 6 2 3962 March 07, 2012
by 6ofhalfdozen
320Gb Hardrive for Sale 2 3296 February 24, 2012
by dgikuljot
Do you guys have datasheet for 20x4 LCD display? 3 5008 February 17, 2012
by Rick_S
Can you swap chips? 9 3741 February 14, 2012
by Ralphxyz
New Laptop Tip 2 4835 January 26, 2012
by dgikuljot
ADC Converter Resolution 5 3665 January 21, 2012
by Rick_S
i/o to port 5 3806 January 06, 2012
by tchilzer2
The Datasheet for Atmega168 4 4195 January 06, 2012
by tchilzer2
Missing Person Report 4 3675 December 31, 2011
by Rick_S
Cheap Electronic Component Supplier 12 8037 December 27, 2011
by boxvic
Happy Holidays 5 3649 December 24, 2011
by missle3944
Ad Win! 3 3632 December 14, 2011
by missle3944
New LCD header cable (Pics) 2 4527 December 05, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Msdos dir command locked. 9 4208 December 05, 2011
by EdCooper
programing problems 14 3770 December 01, 2011
by nhscte
Gizmag feature of the article! 2 3616 November 22, 2011
by lcruz007
Sometimes you win, and well, sometimes you don't 3 3384 October 29, 2011
by scottmc94
Releasing my code under the GPL licences 3 3411 October 17, 2011
by lcruz007
ATMEL626 datasheet? 3 5455 October 03, 2011
by rboggs10
Could someone give me a link on composite video protocol? 4 4567 September 28, 2011
by rboggs10
My Breadboard died. 8 4105 September 27, 2011
by bretm
Finding data on EEPROM? 12 3990 September 07, 2011
by Ralphxyz
How do you guys deal with 2 or more mcus? 4 3625 September 02, 2011
by BobaMosfet
A different LED Array 50 6538 September 01, 2011
by bretm
Supplies 6 3565 August 27, 2011
by pandal3oy
Xtronic-4000 Review 1 4472 August 24, 2011
by dgikuljot
VFD clock 4 4629 August 22, 2011
by BobaMosfet
My nerdkit USB cable died 2 3956 August 21, 2011
by BobaMosfet
How To: Embed Images in Forum Posts 10 9798 August 19, 2011
by missle3944
CNN coverage about my project 3 3604 August 18, 2011
by mongo
Post your Photo. 5 3625 August 09, 2011
by mongo
Electrical Engineering question: phaser mathematics? 5 4818 July 21, 2011
by 6ofhalfdozen
X-tronic 4000 SMD Rework Station Review 2 4339 July 19, 2011
by dgikuljot
Nerdkits photos 2 3639 July 05, 2011
by hevans
Can you upload arduino code to the nerdkit MCU? 15 5089 July 04, 2011
by raildoc
Python programming help 2 3702 June 21, 2011
by missle3944
Wake via Serial to USB 4 5097 June 19, 2011
by Noter
Operators 10 3963 June 14, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Define PUOE 2 5025 June 13, 2011
by bretm
Step 10c – Compile and Install your first program 9 4602 May 26, 2011
by missle3944
Using Atmega 168 20-pu with Labview 4 5860 May 25, 2011
by Rachid
LCD shows boxes but not letters or words 3 3948 May 24, 2011
by aibrahim9386
Using Ubuntu 8 4033 May 21, 2011
by Hexorg
XY table 7 5503 May 17, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Datasheet for GPU 3 3917 May 12, 2011
by BobaMosfet
Interface with other MCUs 15 4632 May 12, 2011
by amartinez
About the members 39 10361 May 10, 2011
by grs
PIC16C54C 5 4284 May 07, 2011
by mikey
Anybody Know of Good Software for Writing Schematics? 21 8384 April 30, 2011
by BobaMosfet
Your company at the annual IT expo at Las Vegas! 2 3644 April 28, 2011
by missle3944
LV-MaxSonar-EZ4 height measurement 11 5054 April 11, 2011
by abd445
Is it just Google Chrome running on a Mac that does this? 2 3787 April 09, 2011
by missle3944
Which Soldering Station? 5 5394 March 23, 2011
by dgikuljot
Multitasking ADC input pins 4 4802 March 07, 2011
by Ralphxyz
AVR simulator program for mac 9 8556 February 28, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Finding the most suited microcontroller 2 3681 February 20, 2011
by hevans
where to buy parts? 9 6491 February 08, 2011
by leemis
Nerdkits T-shirt 14 5411 January 26, 2011
by Harpster
IDE Cable for LCD? 17 5589 January 25, 2011
by Steven
Led question 7 4127 January 18, 2011
by Harpster
Question on other controllers 7 4111 January 18, 2011
by Jalex
Tutorial on fixing Electric Stove 1 4105 January 15, 2011
by dgikuljot
lack of hyperterminal replacement question-philosophizing 4 5270 January 13, 2011
by tsaavik
Is the LCD able to use as a graphics screen? 12 4795 January 04, 2011
by Steven
Soldering Tips & Tricks 11 7134 January 03, 2011
by mongo
Project Enclosures 6 4921 January 03, 2011
by Jalex
Everyone, have a Happy New 0b11111011011 Year! 1 4052 December 31, 2010
by Hexorg
Soldering (I'm freakin' out!) 6 4595 December 31, 2010
by Hexorg
LCD screen pinouts 4 5282 December 28, 2010
by bpenglase
Serial Port Problems 4 5103 December 15, 2010
by mongo
Tips for working at higher voltages 7 3959 December 13, 2010
by mongo
Need Quiet Switch Now 14 4453 December 03, 2010
by mongo
LED Array kit? 4 4563 December 02, 2010
by Harpster
SD card for PCM sound 26 7462 December 01, 2010
by bretm
Sending decimal values through PySerial 3 5851 November 15, 2010
by hevans
Nerdkits IRC ?! 23 5539 November 09, 2010
by rssnow
LCD Monitor 2 4287 November 06, 2010
by Rick_S
AVATARS have been added! 8 3906 October 15, 2010
by mongo
switching power to ground 3 4130 September 07, 2010
by Rick_S
NerdKit "duino" development board 1 4842 September 05, 2010
by Rick_S
My Servo "Shredder" 2 3738 September 05, 2010
by Rick_S
My nerdkits tweaks (had to do something with the kit while i work on learning C) 2 3785 September 03, 2010
by hevans
How to take a screenshot 4 4492 August 25, 2010
by awesome
A project enters completion 7 4358 August 23, 2010
by Rick_S
Physicist, mathematicians and machine shop challenge changing linear motion to compression 3 5147 August 20, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Red Hyperlinks 2 3861 August 08, 2010
by hevans
Glossary? 4 3603 August 05, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Overclocking your nerdkit 8 6321 July 21, 2010
by rommjp
I'd like to learn a little of assembly 3 4484 July 06, 2010
by hevans
Second Spam Email Labeled Nerdkits 4 3965 June 25, 2010
by mrobbins
Gulf oil spill 5 4142 May 30, 2010
by BobaMosfet
Maker Faire 2010 - San Francisco Bay Area 3 4123 May 26, 2010
by Phrank916
Where's a good place to buy parts (bulk or not)? 12 14586 May 19, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Nerdkit Eagle PCB Library? 3 4690 May 19, 2010
by Ralphxyz
print register value? 5 5484 May 10, 2010
by Ralphxyz
AD620 amp equivalent 10 11734 April 21, 2010
by BobaMosfet
Starting all over again... 5 3880 April 17, 2010
by mongo
Project Details 2 4090 March 09, 2010
by hevans
Simple Question from a new user 2 3962 March 07, 2010
by mcai8sh4
Know How is Rewarding 13 4373 March 04, 2010
by treymd
It's been a GOOD week! 8 4441 February 20, 2010
by Phrank916
LCD mating connector 4 4361 February 18, 2010
by mongo
Buying replacement wire 6 3987 February 12, 2010
by pbfy0
Windows Serial Comm Utility 4 4499 February 11, 2010
by RayMarron
Live CD 1 4044 February 11, 2010
by treymd
A little bug in the forum: "Post" button 2 3948 February 03, 2010
by pbfy0
Mounting the Nerdkit 24 7199 February 02, 2010
by RayMarron
Mike & Humberto's Electronics & Programming Bookshelf 9 5660 January 24, 2010
by ese
Missing Something about Resistors and LEDs 3 4482 January 22, 2010
by ecornwell
Spam using nerdkits as a cover, or not spam? 2 4110 January 01, 2010
by mrobbins
led wig-wag bllinking light set for rc truck body 8 7660 December 30, 2009
by mongo
image uploads 2 3968 December 29, 2009
by mongo
Why is my voltage regulator not working 8 8196 December 28, 2009
by hevans
New Marqee - Poll 4 4192 December 13, 2009
by Rick_S
perl script for generating code blocks in NK forums 3 4160 December 11, 2009
by FWSquatch
SD card for PCM sound 2 4407 December 10, 2009
by pbfy0
Happy Thanksgiving. 1 4361 November 26, 2009
by Rick_S
driver for the rs232 serial adapter 3 3973 November 20, 2009
by mcai8sh4
Forum Suggestions 16 5156 November 19, 2009
by pbfy0
Wire connectors 3 4064 November 16, 2009
by tech20
Just a note.. 2 3955 November 16, 2009
by tech20
Blue Screen - Vista 64 Ultimate 18 5476 November 07, 2009
by mrobbins
Already have xcode/gcc; will AVR MacPack overwrite? 3 4637 October 10, 2009
by mrobbins
USB bootloader. 4 4636 October 03, 2009
by Farmerjoecoledge
Serial client 3 4472 September 24, 2009
by apurcell
screen replacement 3 5146 September 17, 2009
by pbfy0
A Terminal program that can read uart from AVR for linux 5 8060 September 17, 2009
by tech20
PCB Soldering Tool Suggestion Help 3 4115 September 15, 2009
by BobaMosfet
Barebone Breadboard NerdKit With Serial TTL 1 4961 September 11, 2009
by Nerdful_com
NerdKit Monthly Contest For Best Code 1 4045 August 23, 2009
by Nerdful_com
If I Started To Profit From Kit, Would NerdKit Demand A Cut? 6 4398 August 19, 2009
by mrobbins
NerdKits Affiliate Program 3 4735 August 19, 2009
by Nerdful_com
IRC CHAT HELP 5 4158 August 19, 2009
by Nerdful_com
Congratulations to the Winners 6 4141 August 16, 2009
by mario
NerdKits Videos As Podcasts 4 4297 August 12, 2009
by sgmaniac1255
NerdKits Video is Finalist In IEEE Competition -- Your Vote Requested 6 5232 August 08, 2009
by hevans
Finally a Good Way to Make Money For Projects!!! 1 4800 August 02, 2009
by dylanjkj1997
is it possible to use the nerdkit for these 3 purposes? 4 4720 July 25, 2009
by BolanosAV
Nerdkits News letter 6 4352 June 07, 2009
by DonNYC
NerdKits NerdSnips (repositories) 2 4393 June 07, 2009
by lxowle
Nerdkit Review on youtube! 3 6031 June 04, 2009
by DavidSimpson
A different kind of class 2 4229 May 26, 2009
by mcai8sh4
Project Enclosures 1 4221 May 09, 2009
by Ethanal
Woohoo! 6 5621 April 09, 2009
by Kevin
test 0 2457
test 0 2588
test 0 2720
test 0 2568
test 0 2608
Test Post 0 2819
test 0 2833
Test 0 2598
test 0 2681
test 0 2522

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